has anyone else not uploaded a dream for their island yet?

I considered holding off on it, but I went ahead with it anyway just so I could have the dream code and put it wherever. My island is definitely not complete, and all my placemarkers for bushes are probably the biggest indicator of that, but I like to update my dream based on the progress I'm making. Since my sig here is the only place my DA is posted, I don't really care who sees my island lol. Probably very few people.
I haven't published mine as a dream island. I share with my fam so they would get mad at me for doing it. So I am saving up for a switch lite. Soo yea
Haven’t uploaded one yet! When it first came out I wasn’t happy with my island at all, I was barely half done. I decided to flatten it all out and I’m working on building it up again, once I’ve reached a point where I’m happy with it I think I’ll update :)
Haven’t uploaded one yet! When it first came out I wasn’t happy with my island at all, I was barely half done. I decided to flatten it all out and I’m working on building it up again, once I’ve reached a point where I’m happy with it I think I’ll update :)
Good luck! can I have your dream address? I wanna see how great your island is!
i haven't, solely because i haven't been satisfied with my island since launch nor will i ever be. i change things around like... every month 😔 maybe i'll have a dream address one day, but not today... or tomorrow... or the day after that...
I still haven't uploaded mine! My island is a big mess. I have where I want the houses and shops to be, but I need to plan out everything else. Plus I have a ton of flowers to move around.
I uploaded it the day it was released to my friend could visit my island when she wanted to instead of when we were both available.
After Fall hit, I updated my dream address so she could visit how it looks now compared to how it looked before.
I haven’t uploaded my dream nor have I visited anyone else’s island via dream. The Pinterest photos are enough to make me feel inferior lmao there’s no reason to go viewing islands that are infinitely better than mine will ever be. I can watch island tours on YouTube if I want ideas etc.
Hi! Sorry I think you may have misread my post! I don’t have a DA yet as I’m still working on rebuilding my island after flattening it :)
I know. when i said "oh okay. thats fine. just send me it when you do!" I meant to ask if when you do get one, can I have it. sorry bout that!
I uploaded and tend to update it once a month. I like visiting the other dreams though I tend to use the suprise feature. I like looking for insperation and seeing what others do and stuff.
See my problem is I don't ever think of my island as finished and the one time I did....it felt stangent I stopped playing then I reset it.
I haven't uploaded mine yet. On 3DS, I used to upload all the time for the free bells, even though my town was nowhere near done, but in ACNH, I've been holding off. All of the random islands I've visited have looked really pulled together and complete, and though I may just have gotten a skewed sampling so far, it gave me the impression that people are opting to wait until their islands are closer to "finished" before uploading them. My island still has a long way to go (I'm gradually working on different areas, but I'm not sure how it's all going to come together yet).

Still, perhaps I should upload soon, if only to give other people in the same boat a sense of what a work-in-progress island is like. Perhaps it will reduce some of the pressure that some people seem to be feeling to have a "finished" island ASAP in a game that's meant to last for years.
I haven't, I don't feel like I have finished enough to want to upload it. I will upload a dream address if I ever find myself feeling satisfied with the way it looks, and if I have decorated the entire island. Until then, I'm not uploading a dream.
No I haven't, don't even have a DA yet. I'm terrible at decorating so it was never something I planned to do. I haven't visited any dream towns either.
Nope, and I never will.

I'm sure my log stools look no different than anyone else's. :)
I haven't, but I'm hoping to this winter! It's been a tad difficult coming up with ideas, but I think I finally figured out what I wanted to do for the missing areas :)