have you been on a solo trip before?


if it was you I'd never want to leave...
Aug 8, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Pink Summer Shell
i'd like to know if any of you has been on a solo trip. would love to hear some experiences!

anyway, long story time:

for me, i had 3 solo trips so far. two of em were trips to Japan, one was a magical trip to Disney World. My first solo trip was to Japan and hoo boy, i didn't even get lost for most of the parts because i was on google maps all the time lol. the train directions were easy to follow. i only got lost in Akihabara because maps weren't working properly and i had to spend most of the time wandering on my own. i couldnt even find the game shops i wanted to go :( that was probably one of the times i didnt enjoy the trip at all. Shibuya & shinjuku were so intimidating. teens and adults dressed so well and im the only lone gaijin in the city. Heck, i dress well and stuff, i have a diploma in fashion technology and design but i never dress to the point where the japanese do. They're in an upper level i tell yall. Tokyo Disneyland and Disney sea were the highlights of the entire trip. On the day i had to travel from Tokyo to Osaka, i spent more time that i was supposed to because i woke up late, got to the station late. trains were confusing and i missed a train and had to wait long for another one. ended up in Osaka in one piece but most of the day was spent in the train station and the train itself. I did however had a good Ekiben so that was good. Kyoto was fun too! Though i'd prefer tokyo over it.

Third solo trip was to Disney World and boy, i loved every moment there. Got to meet my fav characters. Ariel and Cinderella were such a delight to see and talk to! attended the mickey's christmas party twice in Magic Kingdom which was a separate ticketed event that ran from 7pm till 11pm. Least fav park has to be epcot hahaha. Stayed on their on-site resort and mmm, Disney knows how to do their magic.
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I've never done any before but eventually I'd love to do one, I want to get out and see the world sometime lol
Wow that's awesome! I'm glad you had fun and stayed safe on your trips. :) I'm already afraid of planes and stuff so I'd definitely be afraid to go abroad by myself, but I'd like to go somewhere in the US by myself sometime. I love to drive so I think that'd be the highlight of the trip for me haha.
Never to another country by myself, but I have been to places in both Texas and Michigan in the past for school-related research trips, the former being a biology one and the latter being an astronomy one.

Err, now that I reread what you‘re asking, I guess those don’t really count. Still thought I would mention them.

Definitely would like to travel on my own more as time goes on though.
technically i went on a 3 month internship to munich a few years back. there was a group, but we lived seperately and planned our time on our own. i've also done a lot of solo day trips around places while i'm in different countries - most often in toronto but also in berlin, frankfurt, brisbane, dallas, etc.
they're nice! there's something delightfully exciting about being on your own and getting to make your own choices abt lodging and how to spend your time. the getting lost bit is definitely relatable op haha. always has to happen some place, right? just gotta take a deep breath and push through it. travel is so so worth it
I’ve never been on a solo trip but I have traveled by airplane alone a handful of times. That itself is pretty fun (at least for me). I think I mostly enjoy it because it’s the beginning of my freedom and escape from reality (unless I’m flying back to home)
Those are all places I want to travel to! 🤩 Happy to hear that things went smoothly and you had a great time!
I could never travel alone because it is impossible for me because of reasons 😫 So I watch YouTube of traveling Japan and Disney all the time!
I haven't yet but this Winter I'm thinking of taking a plane down to Mississippi/Louisiana to visit family during my winter break. if I did that I would be going alone :>
Not really.
Had a work trip that I traveled solo but not a personal trip. Time was mostly spent traveling to work sites and then just time spent in the hotel so nothing really exciting with that.
I've been to Thailand, Hong Kong, and China alone. I got around okay in these three places because I spoke the lamguages there. The first time I was in China, I was probably scammed...haha, though I somewhat speak the language, it was still pretty scary. I'll post this story in the spoiler. Of those three places, I enjoyed Hong Kong the most, especially the food and scenaries, was not a big fan of the weather though.

Basically, at some Chinese airports, there are "cab" drivers who will approach you and ask if you need a ride. They're quote you a rate but often forget to mention details...I've heard horror stories about people being charged 100 RMB (like about $15ish USD) per minutes. Anyways, I was prepared to face these drivers but was so distraught when they legit carried my suitcase right when I got out of baggage claim that I sort of just followed. Okay, I forgot to mention the driver mentioned that she worked with Didi, which is like Uber/Lyft in China. Sooo, I was thought, "Okay, I don't think it'll be too bad" but then when we got to her car, there was another person inside? Who was also a customer ;A; I started panicking but still went inside. While on the way, she suddenly stopped her car, told me that her other customer wanted to go to another part of the city for his job and wouldn't make it on time. Then, she basically haul another taxi for me, a legit one this time (and she paid for it..with my money ofc) Anyways, long story short, I eventually got to my hotel. I paid 150 RMB ($21ishUSD which wasn't too bad considering I've taken ubers that were in the $60 range) but usually the price to go to the airport is 90-100 RMB. But I really enjoyed my time there that I came back a second time and went straight to the subway!! Which was like 8RMB to go to the city center.
I have! Went to Europe (France and Spain) for my 18th birthday, and I didn't speak french at the time, got away with english. I also didn't have a phone with internet so I worked myself around with a map lol
I have also been alone at a plane more times but I met people at the destination. I always enjoyed traveling and I have been to 17 countries I think, at age 24. Of course I prefer traveling with company but going alone has it's magic, you pay more attention to everything around you, free to roam and do whatever you want, there's also more of a rush because you're alone, it's "scarier" and you feel more accomplished I guess
I haven't, but I have considered it. I've traveled alone in order to get to different countries/towns but I've always met up with people after arriving at some point.

I live in Japan and have gone to Korea a few times with other people. I want to go back when the situation is a bit better but I may not have any friends to go with. I've thought about going alone and meeting other people at hostels/Meet-Up events but I'm not sure if I should or not. Part of it is being nervous about being alone but the other thing is that I'm not sure if I'd have as much fun. 😅
I've never travelled solo before - unless small detours by yourself count when you're on a trip with others? Or unless you count solo plane travel and any layover/hotel time you might have then?

Honestly, I feel more safe travelling with other people. You know you have people to share the good memories with, and who you can count on if things go wrong!
Nope, never! Hopefully sometime soon, I'll be taking my first trip alone.

I've been to New England (Massachusetts, specifically) twice with my mom and aunt, to visit my now ex-boyfriend and all of my friends. I plan on going to Iowa by myself before the year ends, and would like to go to Texas and Massachusetts again before or by the end of NEXT year. So, I'd like to make it to Iowa before 2020 ends, or at least early 2021. Then Massachusetts and/or Texas by the end of 2021~ All by myself! I need to learn how to travel alone. I won't ever get over my fear of it if I never do it ;;​
I’ve been on many trips around America over the years, but they’ve all been with family. If I could take one on my own, I would return to Alaska and go to northern Canada for the first time.
All my best trips have been with friends. I have done short solo trips for one-two days that were inevitable because I was either traveling alone to meet someone or it was for work. I don’t really take that time to go out and explore by myself though. My solo portion of the trip before meeting up with friends usually consists of me checking into a nicer hotel for a night and staying in (since I usually do budget hotels with friends so I liked to spoil myself when I’m alone haha). The most I’ll do is venture out to find a good place to eat. I found that I’m less interested in travel in general as I get older, or maybe it’s the state of the world right now that put me off. My next trip definitely would not be a solo trip. I hope to be reuniting with my best friend and going somewhere close by like a neighboring country LOL.