Have you changed your opinion on any of the new villagers?

When they were introduced in Pocket Camp I liked Raymond, Megan and Reneigh and used to have them in my camp. Now in New Horizons I was lucky to find Reneigh. I just love her design, colors and seeing her running wild and free :LOL: . I saw Megan this week but, I don't know... I just don't like her anymore. About Raymond... well, still haven't had any luck finding him, not that I'm desperately looking for him though. I came to appreciate Sherb after seeing him in Youtube videos but I'm afraid I already have too many lazy villagers.
At first I didn't like Dom at all, maybe because I'm not into the sheep villagers. But while island hopping for Genji I found him and ended up taking him in since my friend had been frantically searching for him. Now that he's on my island he's so dear.. He's aways sitting in the flowers or running around which is super cute. I'll enjoy his company while it lasts :'(
Reneigh was my starter Uchi and I love her. 🥰
I haven't had any others on my town yet to make a further judgement on them. I would like Audi on my island since she's so pretty, but I keep hearing that all she does is workout.
Haven't seen a single one, don't have much opinion aside from I think it's weird they didn't release amiibos for them with the game.

ACTUALLY I had Reneigh for a hot minute, but gave her to my brother because he needed a sisterly. She reminded me of Roscoe, who I love, so I would give her a shot!
Initially, I was only really interested in Dom and Raymond, and they're still my favorites, although Audie has grown on me and Sherb is also very cute. The rest I'm still kind of indifferent to :p
I got sherb without even knowing he was a new villager and he's cute so he's staying. I also like Dom now after seeing all the videos of him always looking like he's on the verge of tears which is relatable
Mainly Audie. She just didn’t look the part of a peppy over time to me and she always worked out, which didn’t work out for me.

Audie slowly got less interesting to me as she lived on my island. I let her go and replaced her with Ketchup, who is much more playful. Last night I found Audie again on my 2nd NMT but passed on her.

I keep going back and forth with Raymond. I didn’t like his personality at first but I think I’m starting to like him more as friendship is increasing. Today he told me this:

Sherb was my lazy for a while and I love him so much. Fate just kinda took over, though, when I randomly discovered Bones on a mystery island and I just preferred him more.

Judy is cool only because she looks sweet but she does sweet things like sings, but is sassy too and gives mischievous looks. But ultimately she is a good friend. She gave me this today:

Reneigh has been with me since Day 1 and she really is what I would consider my in game sister. While I have better friendships on my island, she has always been a constant with me since release.

Dom was a random move in. He looks pretty goofy for a jock and is very playful, so I appreciate that about him a lot. I kinda hope he will ask to move soon, though. I’m not sold on him.

I’ve never had Megan and Cyd. Had chances to take both on islands and even the campsite and always passed.
not sure if this counts, but at first i found raymond mediocre—i'm not a fan of greyscale or dull colours, so he didn't appeal to me at all. but then i saw the waves of people complaining about him and boasting about how much they disliked him (users on reddit, for example, can be especially desperate to prove that they don't like something popular; i often see comments like, "why like the boring raymond when you can have (underrated villager)?"). it's fine to like something, but to put down the opinions of others in the same line is rude. of course, this goes both ways, although i haven't personally seen any raymond fans act as elitist as some raymond haters. anyway, this hate made me super sad! the poor cat has done nothing wrong :c i still wouldn't have him on my island, but i definitely want to hug him ;w;
Raymond used to not interest me nor did I find him cute (I mean, he's still not a dreamie, nor am I trying to obtain him) but I've come to appreciate his character design! His smile is actually so cute and I love seeing him in different outfits when people share screenshots of him. Such a kool kat 😃
I was really into Audie when she first came out and I got her on an NMT, but I just let her go today. She never really connected with me and all she did was work out on my island (more than my fitness hobby Jock OTL). Maybe it's because I'm used to fem wolves being mostly snooty. Anyway, replaced her with one of my fave girls Poppy today ;w; Very excited!!!

Also, I thought Judy was weird in the beginning, but I took her as my snooty bc I love cub villagers and it only took me a little while to get used to her eyes/facial expression. I really love her now ;w;
Raymond was my first camper, I had no clue he's so popular back then, but even with all the drama about him I still a big fan of his design. I find him studying flowers all the time and he gets along with other villagers, he's gonna be a permanent resident for sure.

As for Audie, I found her on a mystery island, her design and house fits perfectly with the island theme. But I'd like her more if she's a Snooty. The Peppy personality is just too much for me, I'm considering letting her go at some point.
I loved Sherb at first but am not as crazy about him as I was. He just didn't fit on my island and it didn't help that his dialogue was always a repetition of Beau, and I always seemed to see Beau before Sherb every day.

I'm not as crazy about Audie right now as I initially was because of her intense workout sessions (I mean just tone it down 20% and please consider singing every now and then) and the peppy personality in general tires me out. But I'm hoping it's a phase.

I loved Raymond the moment his design was released, and that hasn't changed at all.

Cyd is pretty cool and I really do like his design. I have too many cranky villagers I like more, though, but I have nothing against him. The same general thoughts go for Megan too, by the way.

Reneigh is definitely one of my surprise favorites. I think she is the perfect Uchi and one of he few I actually like.

I have never been crazy about Dom. I just don't really like his design and I'm confident I'd get sick of him quickly if I moved him in.

Judy was the first new villager I found, and I loved her initially but her eyes just really aren't my thing. I tried to fight it but I just can't. I've decided to let her leave when she asks.
I love Audie, although none of the new villagers are my dream villagers. They don’t fit my island’s color scheme. Sherb was one of my five starting villagers. I liked him because he was a blue goat. It felt perfect because my favorite color is blue, and I’m a Capricorn. I kept him a while before giving him away, simply because he wasn’t one of my dream villagers.
When I first saw Megan I thought she was ugly.
I always hated bears as a species in the game. Thought they looked like humans in mascot costumes.

A few months back I was trying to find a new normal villager. Normal villagers aren't just boring in their dialogue, but their designs too.

But not Megan. She wasn't boring. I didnt think she looked amazing or anything, but she was certainly not boring. So I went off and hunted for Megan.

I was sure I was going to regret it. I mean she was ugly and a bear. She wasn't going to last a day.

Well... she's my second favourite villager in the whole game.
Shes not ugly at all, she's completely adorable and I don't know why I didn't think so earlier.

Its not only her that I changed my mind on from having her on my island.
Bears are actually okay as a species. Even opted to have a second bear on my island for a bit.

And the normal dialogue, from Megan, is not boring. It is cute and sweet.

I was so wrong to have ruled Megan out early on in the game. Finding her should have been a top priority.

She lives on both of my islands now because I I want to play on an island without her.

I also changed my opinion on reneigh. I used to think she was just okay. Then I had her on my island and she is the absolute worst.

She would constantly get in my way. Give me trash as gifts. And the worst part, is that her catchphrase makes her sounds like a redneck.

I've sorta changed my opinion on raymond.
He went from super awesome to meh, to super duper awesome.
I wasn't even fully aware of the new villagers until I had started playing the game. I loved Raymond the moment I saw him. I did not expect the world to explode the way it did over him. I still think he's super cute, but the demand for him is crazy. Audie seems like the most wonderful, ditsy lady and I would love to have her on my island some day. Cyd is cool, I don't really have any feelings about him. Same with Megan. I liked Dom but didn't super want him, but ran into him on a mystery island, and I just don't like him all that much anymore lol. I have Judy and I think she is fabulous and I thought she was just kind of weird before. Reneigh is cool, but my favorite uchi is Fuchsia. Sherb is cute, but I still think super overrated. I've felt that way pretty much the whole time.
I used to be a Raymond fan but the hype got down and now he's a meh character on my island.
I think they’re all unappealing. As usual none of my favorite species were included.
Raymond is okay. I found him using the campsite method and I like him but don’t love him. I won’t let him go though as I do like his look and he’s my only cat villager.

Audie I had and released. We just never bonded and as others have said, way too much fitness activity.

Sherb is my current lazy and he’s very sweet. On balance I might release him at some point for Beau or Erik who I like a bit more.

Judy I have and have released once. I then found her again on a mystery island and decided it was fate. Bizarrely I like Judy2 better lol.

Cyd is my cranky elephant and I adore him. A punk older statesman who talks to me about sunsets and the days of yore whilst calling me Rockin. I think he’s really underrated.