Do you have all your dream villagers?

Do you have all your dream villagers by now, or are you still searching?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • No

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Still hunting

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • I’ve given up the hunt

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I don’t have dream villagers

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 9.1%

  • Total voters
I do but that's because I used amiibo cards. Honestly as long as I have Bob, Kabuki, and now Sherb, with me, I don't need to hunt for any more dream villagers!
I have SO many villagers that I want, I would still very much like to have Ione on my island! Also Sasha :3

But alas, I have not yet had the chance to meet them yet.
Surprised to see that I’m the only vote in my category! I don’t have dream villagers. I have permanent residents, but I’ve discovered them organically. I might let someone move eventually, but I’ve been really happy with my town for over a year and I don’t see anyone departing soon.

Currently I have Antonio, Yuka, Bubbles, Huck, Stella, Benedict, Stu, Ione, Azalea, and Limberg.

Antonio was a surprise starter villager, and he’s my all time fave so I had to keep him.

Huck was my forced smug camper and I got attached.

Benedict was a random move in at the beginning.

Bubbles was one of my earlier mystery island finds.

All the rest are ones I’ve found when I had an empty plot. I don’t tend to let them autofill, but I never villager hunt for one specific character. I just go to about 5-15 islands until somebody appeals to me.
On my main island I have all but one of my permanent villagers. I will look for the last one Ellie when I get Bunnies photo.
On my second island I like to switch out villagers.
I don't. The only decided dreamie I'm missing is Chabwick (I have his amiibo and can invite him if needed, it'd just be more rewarding to find him through the campsite naturally or via island hopping). I haven't decided on who I want to fill my last 2 slots with yet, if anyone.

I've been enjoying having and getting to know as many villagers as possible and earning their posters/framed photos. My plan has always been to keep doing that until I find 2 villagers I like enough to fill those slots permanently, however I like "cycling" villagers so much that I may just keep those slots for that and only have 8 dreamies. Though, I feel pretty done with New Horizons right now, so it's entirely possible that my current lineup will be my final one lol