I don't know why, but when I was little those stingy things really loved to, well.. sting me.
It actually made me have a huge fear of bees, wasps and anything else that can fly and looks like it has a sting.
I'm even afraid of butterflies coming too close to me, lol. The worst memory I have is when I went to a playground
with my brother and we went on a wooden swing, suddenly I see bees.. and before I could even realise, there was one
stinging me on my feet, two on my arm and another one on my leg. My brother didn't get stung at all, while he was
at the same place than me!! At least I got ice cream to comfort me later.. also glad I'm not allergic against them, because
I'm not sure if 5 or so stings would be easy to handle. Oh yeah, but bumblebees I find them cute. I wouldn't go near them,
but whenever I see one on the ground, unable to fly, I like to make a little "garden" for it, for it's last minutes, as it's obviously dying.
Bonus Story from my Dad: His workplace was near our home, so he always went by bike. One day he comes back home, obviously something
was going on. Turns out he opened his mouth while being on the bike (I think to sneeze or yawn it was) and a bee came and went straight
into his mouth.. yup, she stung him on the tongue. I never opened my mouth anymore while being on a bike after that story.
My Dad is a strong man though and he took it, well.. like a man