Have you ever been stung by a Bee, Wasp, ECT?

I’ve been bit by a horse fly twice and it didn’t hurt at all. Maybe I’m broken.
I remember being stung by a honeybee once as a child. I used to run around outside barefoot (yes, I grew up in the country) and I accidentally stepped on it. My parents had to remove the stinger because it was stuck in my foot. I do recall crying.

I was also stung repeatedly in the thigh by yellow jackets once while mowing the yard. I didn't even know they were there, but apparently I got too close to their nest and a bunch of them attacked me. They would not give up and many of them were stuck in my jeans and just kept stinging me over and over until I got them all out and retreated far enough away. I was definitely in tears. One sting probably wouldn't have been so bad but there were so many in such a concentrated area that it was sore and red for over a week. I'm not even allergic.
I've been stung I think 3 or 4 times in my life. I only recall one time it being especially painful, the other times it wasn't as bad.
Thankfully I’ve never experienced being stung by anything as of yet. I hate insects of all kinds so I usually scream and run away before they even get the chance to sting me. But I do tend to get a lot of bug bites if I’m outdoors in the summer time no matter what I do though. Mosquitos just love to leave me bloodless.
thankfully no, which might be due to the fact that i flee as soon as i see one lol. i’m not a fan of bugs in general but i’m particularly scared of bees, wasps, hornets, etc.
I don't know why, but when I was little those stingy things really loved to, well.. sting me.
It actually made me have a huge fear of bees, wasps and anything else that can fly and looks like it has a sting.
I'm even afraid of butterflies coming too close to me, lol. The worst memory I have is when I went to a playground
with my brother and we went on a wooden swing, suddenly I see bees.. and before I could even realise, there was one
stinging me on my feet, two on my arm and another one on my leg. My brother didn't get stung at all, while he was
at the same place than me!! At least I got ice cream to comfort me later.. also glad I'm not allergic against them, because
I'm not sure if 5 or so stings would be easy to handle. Oh yeah, but bumblebees I find them cute. I wouldn't go near them,
but whenever I see one on the ground, unable to fly, I like to make a little "garden" for it, for it's last minutes, as it's obviously dying.

Bonus Story from my Dad: His workplace was near our home, so he always went by bike. One day he comes back home, obviously something
was going on. Turns out he opened his mouth while being on the bike (I think to sneeze or yawn it was) and a bee came and went straight
into his mouth.. yup, she stung him on the tongue. I never opened my mouth anymore while being on a bike after that story.
My Dad is a strong man though and he took it, well.. like a man :cool:
I got stung by a wasp once more than 25 years ago.
I've gotten stung by bees plenty of times as a kid as I'd walk around my yard barefoot and could never avoid accidentally stepping on one.

Bee stings, not as bad as wasp stings. I have spheksophobia (fear of wasps), so anytime I see one flying around the area, I run back inside or away from the area. The worst part about wasps compared to bees is they can sting you as many times as they feel like it. There are several kinds of wasps, some bigger or more aggressive than others.
My father's side of the family has terrible reactions to wasp/hornet stings so I have a fear of them and actively avoid them. Haven't been stung yet, thankfully!

During childhood summers we used to go up to a family friend's cottage for a week and the lake was littered with horse and deer flies. Rather than a sting, they take a chunk out of you - it's quite the bite. We dunked our heads underwater as soon as we heard buzzing but they've gotten my arm a few times. Can't recall how painful it was, though I remember it swelling.
I got stung by a wasp when I was little but didnt notice, till my mom pointed out the mark.

I think the worst I've was being my sister's guneapig pig chewing on my finger, because it thought it was a carrot. Now that one hurt lol
I got stung by a wasp once at my father's house in the south of France.
It was very hot so I decided to take a nap outside and got woken up by a wasp stinging my pinky.
Having a very low pain tolerance it hurt me A LOT, I remember crying and everything, I felt my heart beat so loudly in my finger.
Ever since then I hate wasps so much, if I didn't already. Everytime I see one I either try to kill or drown it as fast as possible.
I don't mind bees though, because they apparently very rarely bite, and they're useful, and also quite cute, so I try to help those as much as I can.
omg YES I got stung by a wasp once. I stepped on it barefoot in my old house, and at first I thought I had stepped on a super thick blunt tack or something similar. I remember grimacing initially because I thought I would have to pull the object out of my foot, then looked down and saw a half smooshed wasp hobbling away on the ground. I checked my foot to make sure if the stinger wasn't left behind and it wasn't, so I then went to tell my mom but got really tired all of a sudden. I felt like I was about to fall asleep so I sat down at a table and put my head down when suddenly I fainted and was on the floor lol. I had a weird "dream" too when I was unconscious and when I woke up I thought I was still dreaming and was really confused. This was the first time I ever fainted so maybe thats why. In my dream I felt this weird buzzing or vibrating feeling go through my body, which looking back could have been the impact of my body hitting the floor. Anyways, I was fine after that and I never found out why I fainted in the first place. I could have had some weird allergic reaction, or I could have just fainted out of fear since I had never gotten stung by a wasp or bee before. I've never gotten stung again since so I still don't really know.

As for the pain, the initial sting didn't hurt that bad but as the day went on my foot swelled up a bit and it became this dull throbbing pain that was really uncomfortable, but overall I would rate it a 3/10. I also have a high pain tolerance since I get really severe menstrual cramps every once in a while so maybe thats why I wasn't so fazed.
I've gotten stung twice by wasps. Both on my middle finger. It hurt a LOT, then it itched and was hot for a week before subsiding.
i've been stung by wasps multiple times - it's not very fun lmao :' )

we had like a wasp invasion in our attic (where me & my partner's bedroom was at the time 😬 ) and before we realized there was a problem, one had gotten in our bed unbeknownst to me and i slammed down on it. i thought a pencil or something had been on the bed and like jabbed me, and at first we sorta laughed about it, but then it happened again and again after not having moved. it hurt pretty bad but i was more confused than upset, so i looked through the blankets and found... a mostly-crumpled wasp, very angry. i was more upset after i discovered the source then during the stings lmao
(after that we kept seeing them until eventually we realized there was an invasion lmao. it was really strange; they weren't building a nest but hundreds of wasps of two different species got into a small storage room in our attic and i guess couldn't leave. it has never repeated itself, thank the gods)

the second time i was just unfortunate enough that one flew into the car while driving and stung me. it didn't get me as bad as the other one did, though.

and i feel like there's been other times isnce then, though i can't remember them now...
yep bees have stung me a few times. one time i got stung on my arm and it hurt really bad (i think.. i was young so i dont remember the pain but i remember thinking it was painful and crying about it). another time i was riding an atv in the woods behind a friends house and we drove over/near some yellow jackets at one point. a few of them got us, but i dont remember feeling anything, just finding dead ones attached to my clothes. never been stung by a wasp, thankfully
Luckily not yet. I'm not allergic (as far as I know) but I heard that wasps stings can be especially painful, so I don't want to get one. I haven't really been bit/stung by other bugs, not counting mosquitos and maybe the common ant.
Yes actually, once in 2016 I just got stung by a yellow jacket randomly when walking to a park, I'm not sure what I did to deserve it but I remember hearing a REALLY loud buzzing, then I saw my index finger on my left hand get stung and...yeah that was extremely painful. My index finger on that hand was swollen for about a week after. It gets worse though.
At my old house, the last few months I lived there, we had a serious yellow jacket problem, and I'm not talking like they flew in easily, but there was a HUGE yellow jacket nest inside of the walls of my house that spanned from the bathroom all the way to the kitchen (which was directly underneath the bathroom), it was terrifying to say the least. Every time I'd come home I'd see at least 20 yellow jackets flying around the kitchen and dining room, and in the bathroom there would be about 30 flying around and 40 dead ones on the ground. I couldn't even use the bathroom without fear of getting stung because I'd watch them come out of the wall near where the shower was, living with this was one of the most awful things I've had to experience (and I've been through some BAD stuff so that's how you know it's serious). I only discovered they were in our wall because of how often I'd see them crawling out of such spaces and how perfect circle holes would appear in the ceiling of my room, and of course yellow jackets would occasionally fly out of said holes. I think I got stung by them around 5 times, 3 times when I was trying to cook and twice in the bathroom. To add insult to injury, on the literal last day I lived in that house, there was a yellow jacket in my brother's bed that kept repeatedly stinging him, so that really made him not miss the house 😭 that and I'm pretty sure someone got shot nearby that day.
Thankfully, I've been out of that situation since about November of 2018. Apparently my old house was recently renovated (and it looks quite good which is shocking since that house was in such bad shape), so I shudder about the thought of contractors tearing up the bathroom wall and seeing a massive yellow jacket nest.
I haven't been stung by a bee or wasp, but that is one of my biggest fears. My partner once got stung by a wasp and he had the most horrendous reaction to it, he had to be taken to the hospital within minutes of it happening and I really don't want to ever find out if I would ever have a similar reaction to his or not.

I have been bitten by fire ants before... and let me tell you, if one bites you then it probably mean you already have several crawling on you 😭