I had a really bad week in elementary school where i was stung by a yellow jacket, bee, and red wasp all in a week.
I often refer to it as Sting Week. I don’t even put myself in situations with yellow jackets or wasps anymore. I don’t mess with hot outdoors for that reason. Unless i’m hiking, kayaking, camping i avoid the outdoors.
I don’t mind honey bees and don’t see them that often and they pretty much keep to themselves, but wasps and yellow jackets can dieeeeeee lol
I was stung once when I was 8 years old. A bee had managed to land on my arm, I went inside and didn't even realize it was on me, but then my grandma noticed and that was when I got stung. It definitely hurt and I ended up crying because of it. Fortunately I haven't been stung since then, but I definitely get unnerved by any bees/wasps/hornets that may be near me when I'm outside and do everything that I can to avoid them so I can't get stung.
I've been stung tons of times. Thank goodness I'm not allergic.
The most recent time was because last summer I had an issue with paper wasps getting into my house (as if the world wasn't bad enough summer of 2020) and I stepped on one that was hanging out on the floor. It didn't swell too bad, but it did hurt to walk for a while.
What's really annoying is there's a wooden fence around my backyard and paper wasps like to build nests inbetween the slats right by the gates. But the way they put it in there, you can't see the nest until you open the gate. So you open the gate, which makes the fence shake a little, the paper wasps get angry, and they come out and sting you before you even realize a nest was even there.
Paper wasp stings are THE WORST. I've now been stung by 3 bee types in my life: honey bees, yellow jackets, and paper wasps. Honey bees aren't bad at all. Yellow jackets are painful. But paper wasp sting spots will hurt for days. It gets less over time, but still.
Yeah loads of times. Bees were usually my own fault though. Bumble bees don't sting very often at all, so I would happily catch them in my hand to impress others in the playground haha. Occasionally I would accidentally grab a honey bee though, and those little buggers would definitely sting.
I got stung by a bee for the first time while I was working a couple years ago. Somehow a bee got into the office and landed on me. I felt a sting on my side while I was on the phone taking calls lol
I had to fill out an incident report about it. Glad I didn't have a reaction or things could of gone way differently. It mostly just felt like it burned a bit when I'd touch it but it went away pretty quickly.
I’m lucky enough to have never been stung by a bee, but in exchange I’m a complete mosquito magnet. At any given point during the Summer I have at least one bug or mosquito bite.
i was stung by a bee when i was little but i dont remember it and im sure i deserved it coz bees are pure. ive been stung by wasps a few times tho bc theyre evil, once a wasp stung me on the face while i was napping, truly horrible lil guys
Once by a wasp. There had been this crane fly that kept getting into my personal space while I was trying to clean out the base of a large outside. I thought it had landed on my head, so I went to brush it away and it turned out it was a wasp instead.
I've been up very close to both wasps and bees but I have never been stung. I didn't intend to be close to an enormous swarm of wasps but I was, saw them, and walked away. Bees are harmless so I have always just let them do their thing and don't bother them which allows me to be able to be in close proximity with them if I need to access certain parts of the garden.
I’ve been stung by standard bees, bumble bees, and wasps. It’s been a long time though. I’ve been eaten up by fire ants more than once. I’d take a bee/wasp over that any day.
I got stung by a wasp the other day aha. i was in the pool and i felt a wasp in my hair, so assuming it was a twig or something I pulled it out and got stung on my fingers it actually didn’t hurt that much, so in hindsight i’m kinda glad it happened because now i’m over my irrational fear of bees/wasps that i had before
I’ve been stung by a bee once. It was a while ago when I was a little girl. It was also in the playground. I was stung while I was at school. My leg got a bit swollen and it hurt for the next couple of days.
At least I know I’m not allergic to bees though.