have you ever fallen into cacti?

has nature ever pricked you hardcore?

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Never really been around it enough to thankfully not land on it. It was pretty cool to see giant cacti in AZ when I was visiting though.
I don't remember if I have ever been near a cactus before, but if I was it would have been a little indoor plant because they don't grow here. It definitely hasn't happened to me.
I've touched large cacti that were in people's houses when I visited and that's it. They hurt a lot even though the contact was brief. Makes me glad I don't live anywhere near natural cacti.
i’ve never seen a cactus large enough to really fall into. i’ve only seen the smaller ones you’d fine in the succulent section in garden shop
Once in high school I was sitting on a retaining wall, and leaning backwards, while my friend held my hands so I didn't fall. Well, he let go of my hands, and I fell backward into some shrubs, so that was embarrassing. Thankfully, I'm yet to fall into any cacti! 🙏🌵
Can’t say I have! I did visit some cacti farm and went really close for pictures, but I’m lucky enough to never have fallen into any!
i have accidentally pricked myself because i own several small house plant cacti, but i have never actually fallen into any because i live nowhere close to a desert.
I have never seen a cacti IRL so never fell into one thankfully!
never fallen into one, and I haven't seen a really big one yet, but i got pricked multiple times by my succulent cactus (named Señor Bonsai) 🥹 wouldnt consider that hardcore though.
No, but my BIL did once at his previous workplace. He fell and his hand landed on a cactus. At first he tried removing the needles with bubblegum and duct tape. These methods helped get most of the needles out, but the rest didn’t come out on their own until days later.
I've never seen one. My childhood house had bushes that would spit thorns if you touched it. I was spiked many times grabbing a ball.

Picking them out of yourself was like ASMR satisfying. They didn't hurt that much.

...unless I had shorts on of course.