have you ever got mistaken for the opposite sex?

Apr 5, 2014
Red Rose
Winter Mittens
Orange Mote of Flame
May Birthstone (Emerald)
by the way I'm using sex and not genders because someone will not know your preferred pronouns
if they just met you,for example despite my sex being female I prefer they/them pronouns
I'm okay with she/her but like I said I just feel more comfy with non gendered pronouns and of course
if someone just met me and didn't know anything about me would have no idea about this

/casually waits for people to complain about this because I know this stuff will cause fights, but at the same time hopes it doesn't happen TBH/

but anyhoo back on topic I seriously cannot count the times people on the internet have mistaken me for a male on here and on other sites as well lol like I've had people get shocked when the find out I'm a female, hell some of my friends back then who back when they only knew me for 6 months or so"when they found out my sex they were like wait you're a female?" I just looked at them like "you guys knew me for 6 months so far and during all that time you had no idea I as a female wow guys, wow seriously?" and during that time I went by the name Kay like that didn't give them any hints? lol
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On the internet a lot yeah, I really don't mind though. I am a cis female as of now, but there were times I was more genderfluid. I have never really taken offense to being guessed as the wrong gender because it's not like I regularly talk about my vulva and stuff. (Albeit I do sometimes...) Also I get along with boys really well so I've had that experience too where I've befriended people online and become friends and stuff and then one magical day when I say something about my anatomical parts they're just like, "Oh wait, you have lady parts? Now we're just going to change into pervs and only flirt with you." I really wish gender didn't matter, but whatever, things are the way they are.
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Despite being female, my voice is kinda low-pitched, and since I don't show my face on the Internet, I go to make a video on YouTube and people think it's a guy talking. lol.
I usually just let people think I'm a guy, I don't see how it matters unless people start saying something obviously meant for guys like "grow a pair" or something XD
A few people have mistaken me for a girl on the internet. I don't really care or bother to correct them.
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For some reason, people quite often mistake me for male on the internet. I understand; it's a little ambiguous when you don't post pics, or post videos with your voice in it- but still, I didn't think I could 'read' as male, if you get what I mean by that.
Yes I have been mistaken as a male online before. Not in real life though.

My mum actually told a lie to me once saying that people thought I was a boy once because I went out wearing like long-ish shorts and a baggy t-shirt (and my hair was quite short at the time and all messy), and that I should go and get my haircut and make myself look nice. Looking back on it now, I actually feel pretty offended by what she did. Gender didn't really matter to me much at that age (I was 10/11), I just was me, regardless of being male or female. Maybe I was more gender fluid then? Idk. It just didn't bother me, that's my point. I guess... Idk, it feels like she was being a bit controlling, she should have let me be just happy for being myself. Oh well. ^^
Almost all the time, online and in real life.

Online, it happens all the time because I typically choose male avatars in MMOs and games, or even icons; my fursona is also male. My mannerisms, due to social issues, never really give too much away. I will admit that I had loads of fun confusing some kids in the dreaded Barrens Chat back in the WoW Vanilla/BC age when I actually chose a female orc, and the ones who saw me were trying to figure out if I was a guy playing as a female character, or if I was actually a girl.
Ironically, when I choose a male avatar, nobody even suspects that I'm actually a girl (which is fine with me; the amount of harassment towards female MMO players has gone down in the past couple years, but it still happens sometimes).

In real life, I prefer boys clothes because they tend to be looser and not cling to the body, as I really can't stand that. I also like having short hair because I don't spend much of any time on my hair in the morning (I don't use makeup, either, because the one time I was asked to try it, I found it extremely irritating). Since I'm petit to boot, that means I'm often mistaken for a boy.

I'm also very much a tomboy, and some of my interests fall into categories where I don't usually find many girls who participate (such as longboarding/skateboarding and Pathfinder/D&D). So in those cases, I don't mind being mistaken for a boy since it means less staring and questions, or reactions of "oh my gosh, are you really a girl!?".
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On this site a couple times, but otherwise it's never happened to me that much. It hasn't to me in real life.
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I'm not going to even count the internet because it happens to everyone.

No. I've never been mistaken for the opposite gender.
Online, people usually assume that I'm a guy. irl it's obvious that I'm a girl and I never had that happen ouo
It depends really, there have been many times someone has referred to me as androgynous online, which makes sense because there's really no set perimeters on how each sex is supposed to type. I much prefer it that way though, my internet persona is supposed to be this super villainous undead Pharaoh, I don't have time to assign pronouns to that. I am just me.
Yes but I keep it intentionally ambiguous, plus i dont mind if someone calls me he/she or whatever.

IRL I have been mistaken a couple of times but really only on first glance. Voices tend to give it away