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Have you ever had a book, game, movie, show or something else spoiled?

Have you ever had a book, game, movie, show or something else spoiled?

  • Yes. It happens all the time

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Yes. It has happened a few times.

    Votes: 17 60.7%
  • No. It never has happened.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (explain below).

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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I’ve had at least a couple things spoiled. One was the ending of Naruto (manga/anime), Fire Emblem Echoes, possibly Assassin’s Creed (earlier games). I also kinda spoiled a little bit for myself when I got a book for christmas, a character encyclopedia on Attack on Titan; I looked in the index and saw a name that kinda spoiled who I’d see in season 3 I think.

The spoiling of Naruto’s ending was not too big of a spoiler. But the spoiler for Fire Emblem Echoes was. I was talking to some others on discord about needing to finish it and someone else said they wanted to play it. shortly after someone without spoiler tags asked about the ending. they never apologized either :/. The spoiler for Assassin’s creed I never verified but I’m pretty sure they were right. I was having a hard time with ACIII and never finished it. Still, I was annoyed about that.

The introduction to a book I read from the library called Palestine’s Children: Returning to Haifa and Other Stories by Ghassan Kanafani, also spoiled parts of the short stories for me. At the same time, it does help explain some things for me like cultural or historical references, or Arabic words. I never read a book where its introduction spoiled the story before, until I read this one.

How about everyone else? What got spoiled for you if anything? How did you get spoiled?
the most recent example of this was i spoiled myself on the ending of persona 3--because i mean the original game is like over 10 years old at this point so it's all over the internet and i figured i would never play the game anyways. i actually looked up the plot of the game prior to knowing that they were going to make a remake of it. i had read up on plot just cause i was curious and heard people say that the story was really good. the thing was, even though i knew the plot and i knew the ending, it still hit me just as hard. i actually didn't even see it coming either?? as weird as that sounds. like i didn't realize the ending was coming until it came and then i cried like a baby through out the whole thing :'D

i guess what i'm saying is that nothing beats experiencing the game or show urself! maybe it's just me but i get really engrossed into things so even if i get spoiled, it doesn't take away my enjoyment of the story. i still wouldn't want to be spoiled, but seeing how a story unfolds for urself is different from just hearing/reading it from others so it's not always the end of the world if u get spoiled imo.
I think I know what you mean. Now that you mention it, when I was first deciding whether to try FFX or not, I watched some of the cutscenes. I never did this before and that was the only time I did it since normally I like to avoid spoilers. But watching it only made me more interested and have more questions; I wrote them all down while watching it and eventually also while playing the game (another thing I never did except for this game). I ended up enjoying the game even though I spoiled some of it for myself.

I think you make a good point! I’ll definitely remember this 🙂. For me, being spoiled by myself is one thing, but when someone else does it, it upsets me. It isn’t the end of the world, but depending on what was spoiled, the impact a scene has sometimes seems to be much less than it would have been. But there are times where it doesn’t. It depends on the circumstances and how much and what was spoiled.
i mean i ultimately know what happens at the end of the second season of bridgerton since my youtube algorithm recommended me something about it, but i don't really mind. i'm honestly still feeling the feels and invested in the show, so i don't think my enjoyment/experience of the series has really been affected all that much - i'm still looking forward to everything that will happen!!

more recently i've spoiled the final episode of 3 body problem for myself because it's gone pretty downhill, but i'll still watch the final episode for the sake of it. less bothered about it now then i was when i started the series
Yeah, in the past I got spoilers for the Kirby 3DS games. I've learned from it and now if I can't get a game I care that much about on release day, I just avoid scrolling YouTube. Not a fun solution but it helped me avoid Splatoon 3 spoilers.
im a chronic socmed user, so naturally i’ll stumble across spoilers 😭 i got the pokemon sv dlc spoiled to me by a youtube recommendation LOL kinda bummed since it was an epic revelation but whatever. for most cases idrc about spoilers but there are some games that i do cherish lots that seeing major spoilers for curveballs do ruin things for me huhu
Yes, but it is usually myself who spoils it, especially with tv shows. Most are not that good now so I spoil myself to make sure the story is worth watching. If its a book I am reading I never spoil myself and I ask others if they brong it up not to spoil me. When it comes to modern films I do spoil myself, like tv shows. This is especially true if I want to go see it at the cinema with my husband. So far we haven't been to a cinema in ages. I think the last time we did was two years ago. We just watch films on streaming now.
Yeah I get spoiled all the time. This is what happens when prerecording certain live sports. Results often get posted on social media right away and it's so easy to habitually click an app. Also, we live in a world in which they try to randomly generate suggestions you might be interested. So I'm constantly getting spoilers in my YouTube homepage and such.

It's much harder to avoid spoilers on TV shows and Video Games due to the time commitment. I've outright spoiled myself trying to look up certain cast information or story details. I'm very careful about movie spoilers though.

I plan on watching Stranger Things. I swear I will watch this thing spoiler free.
Yep, I get spoiled on the plot for books and games pretty often. :/ I've been spoiled on the endings of girl's last tour, kirby planet robobot, the lord of the rings trilogy, hunter x hunter and a handful of switch games. I recently disabled my youtube recommendations and that's helped a lot, but I still overhear people talking about spoiler-y stuff pretty often. I don't let the spoilers spoil my experience though, I'll just keep reading/playing anyway.
Yes. I've been spoiled a few times, but I don't dislike it as much as you'd think. It's something that happens, whether intentional or not. I don't have an issue since I don't watch a lot of shows or movies, so it doesn't happen often. The worst one was I was spoiled for was Yu Yu Hakusho. It was an anime I got really into and watched a little under halfway through. I wish I could've finished it without being spoiled since it's a top notch anime. It's very rare a MC has that great character development and growth, but that was only one aspect that made the show great.

I usually hide anime spoilers with the inline spoilers here.
i always end up spoiling myself because i google things or reading comments and posts before i finish watching/reading it. very silly of me.

when i think about being spoiled by someone, i always remember the one time that my friend accidentally spoiled me for episode 18 of season 5 of steven universe back in 2018. she was so hyped about the plot twist that she ran up to me and just blurted it out! 😭 i wasn't upset about it at the time but sometimes i wonder how i would have felt if i got to experience the twist for the first time w/out spoilers.
Honestly, there’s some stuff I actively spoil because the spoilers seem more entertaining than the actual media.

In terms of things I actually care about yes. Many times. But these days I don’t keep my hands on the pulse of many communities so it’s pretty rare.

It’s kind of interesting I’d percieve a difference between that and leaks/datamines just because of what I care about being spoiled or not.
I've had a few things spoiled for me. Back in 2021, my then-best friend spoiled the end of Squid Game for me when I was watching the series, and I wasn't super happy about it. Looking back at it now, I don't really care because I didn't end up liking the show anyways - It was just popular at the time and I wanted something to talk about, because my interests were (and still are) vastly different from my peers.

I also had one of my friends spoil a major detail for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I haven't played the game since last summer 'cause my dad lent the game to one of his friends (we still don't have it), and I intentionally went out of my way to avoid spoilers, so it kinda sucked when I was told a major part of the story when I wanted to discover it for myself. (Oh, and I've had my dad and brother spoil parts of TotK to me simply because they advanced way more than I did in the game.)

That's all I can think of for now. I've done a pretty good job at getting into games, shows, etc. blindly without it getting spoiled for me, but some people aren't very mindful when it comes to spoilers. :v
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ive had a lot of things spoiled for me, either i accidentally come across something on twitter or youtube, or i get curious and look for stuff myself
I've had shows/movies spoiled more times than I can count.. I think the biggest spoiler was Jon Snow being alive (this was back when Game of Thrones was still all the rage so it was big news). I don't think I was mad about it though..

The most annoying type of spoilers to me though are the ones that are in the official trailers! Trailers show WAY TOO MUCH these days. The most recent trailer I watched spoiled an entire character alignment and I really wish they hadn't, because I was really excited about that character due to who was voicing it. It was a very minor character but STILL. The scenes with that character would have hit way differently if it had been a surprise, and I think it was supposed to be a surprise were it not for the trailer.
There were times where I’ve spoiled myself on purpose because it was a game that I never thought I would play… but then I did end up playing it later. This also happens with movies and tv shows.
Yes. I’ve spoiled shows/movies, books and games for myself when I don’t want to watch/read/play them myself but there’s something about them that I want to know. Doing this means I likely won’t ever watch/read/play for myself though since I won’t see a point in it once I’ve spoiled myself, so I’ll only spoil if I’m 100% sure I have no interest (beyond finding out whatever I’m spoiling for myself).

I want to be spoiler-free when it comes to the shows/movies I watch, the books I read and the games I play, though. When a movie comes out that I’m interested in or a new season of a show I watch comes out, I avoid social media and articles about it like the plague because I don’t want to accidentally spoil anything. I’ve still had certain things accidentally spoiled though, and something spoiled on purpose by someone else (once).

I was watching the first season of Riverdale when it first came out (and when it still kind of made sense and was good lol), and I was talking to a then-friend about it. I still had a few episodes to watch, and I was talking to my “friend” about how I was so curious to find out who killed Jason Blossom. Without missing a beat, and without giving me a second to interject or tell her that I didn’t want to be spoiled, she told me, “it was his dad,” 🙃

The other incident that comes to mind was me accidentally spoiling myself. I found out that Oscar and Abuelita die in the 4th season of On My Block because the scenes came up in my Recommended Videos on Youtube. I still watched the season, but having such major things spoiled definitely ruined it a bit for me.
Yes, by accident. I wasn’t actively seeking spoilers or anything. I learned the hard way never to Google TV shows I am watching because that’s how I found out some characters died. (Downton Abbey and Call the Midwife)
Sometimes! I find that if you're watching a show and you type in a character's name in google, the recommended searches spoil things. I found out a character died in this one anime by having the "____ death" pop up. I was like WHAT. I watched the show anyway and loved it but the entire time I was just waiting for them to cack since I didn't know how or when.