Have you ever had a crush on villagers?


ultimate slav
Jul 23, 2013
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Well, have you?
I have a crush on Bruce the deer, Erik the deer, Freya the wolf :blush: , Punchy the cat, Fang the Wolf, Whitney the Wolf and Diana the deer.
psst i'm a girl btw
Ooh interesting thread! I've had a crush on Wolfgang a while back in WW. Right now my heart belongs to Vladimir <3 and I have a lady crush on Whitney xD
In my first town (I restarted it once.) I got Phil, and he looked like a peacock. I talked about him all the time to the point my bf said, "You have a b***r for that dude." We joke that way all the time. So it became a reoccurring joke between us. I've seen enough of Phil now though. I want to see new faces. XD
i currently have a crush on Olaf XD
fang is very handsome as well, if i do same so myself..
Wolfgang. I send him tons of love letters and he called all of it funny ; v ;. WHY YOU DO THIS TO MAH HEART ;;.
And also, Gladys and I are like... Friendsbians. We love each other too much XD.
Wolfgang. I send him tons of love letters

i do this too x3
when Annabelle moved into my town the first letter i sent to her was a threat letter regarding the fact that she could possibly start crushin on my man.

i have no life
Well, have you?
I have a crush on Bruce the deer, Erik the deer, Freya the wolf :blush: , Punchy the cat, Fang the Wolf, Whitney the Wolf and Diana the deer.
psst i'm a girl btw

Yeah, I had a crush on Freya when she was in my village in Wild World. Same thing with Cherry in my current game... though she moved out a few weeks ago.
Kippla, do you take Lobo to be your lawfully wedded husband.
I do.
Lobo, do you take Kippla to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Ah rooooo!
You may now kiss the bride.

Question answered.

oh no
coco just moved in.
sorry olaf, you can hook up with some other anteater or somethin..

i'll be over here
writing a few hundred more love letters to coco
Can't say that I've ever had a crush on a villager or any animal for that matter but I do really like Mott since he has cute glasses.
I think I had a crush on Murphy when I was 11/12 (nearly 7/8 years ago!) playing Animal Crossing on Gamecube. He was my best friend :'( Memories!
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oh my god i thought i was the only one

i really really like kid cat. i count him as my new leaf boyfriend to my character, hehe. he always comes round my house randomly and he's the cutest. i wouldn't say a crush exactly... maybe just a video game crush or something. hehe c:
I used to have a crush on Wolfgang in WW and CF, but in New Leaf, they've watered down their personalities so much that I'm gonna have to really dig deep to find someone I like.

Oh, and if anybody wants it, I do know a few tips that actually do make villagers fall in love with you; they'll frequently use the heart emote while talking to you, and will be a lot more "flirty" ;)