Have you ever had a crush on villagers?

Oh, and if anybody wants it, I do know a few tips that actually do make villagers fall in love with you; they'll frequently use the heart emote while talking to you, and will be a lot more "flirty" ;)

me! i'd love to know. kid cat isn't flirty unless i make him call me baby and stuff. i sent him love letters with roses in but he didn't really react properly!
when i was like 6 yrs old i liked monique... ik ew

these days its kyle and colton
I'm crushing on Kabuki! He's so sweet and awesome. I don't know if he's my in game boyfriend but we're definitely 'seeing each other'. Hahaha :p
When I was young, I used to have a crush on Bree/Whitney in my town. I would send them love letters and talk to them all the time.
Now, it's Phoebe tbh. She always refers to me as girlfriend which can be seen as a friendly thing but shes too awesome to let go.
I guess it depends on what you mean by crush. I personally like Frobert but I don't 'love' him or anything along those lines. Not my style.
I'm crushing on Pietro and Julian. Also Henry, but he's starting to become a stalker.
In Wild World, I had a crush on Hopper. I don't know why. I was so upset when he moved because I'd kept him in my town for about a year.

Currently, I don't have a crush in anyone in my town. I still love Hopper though..
I really like Punchy and Chadder. Chadder is forever telling me that I'm "looking as cool as a fair number of cucumbers". He knows just what to say to take my breath away haha
I have a girl crush on Olivia, she's so cute. :D
I also like Leonardo very much and Chief. <333
I have a crush on Friga but it's to a point. She's friggin' pixels on a screen, and I realize that after I close my 3DS, lololol. She's just so adorable and sweet. .3.
I don't want to offend anyone but it is kind of funny to see that so many people here have had crushes on villagers in Animal Crossing. I don't think I've had one, I just like certain characters a lot, like Fang and Isabelle.

By crush, do you really mean something like "love"?
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Back in Wild World I was around 10 or something and I had a huge crush on Snake the rabbit thing x'D I used to send him letters, talk to him 24/7, do favors right away and everything. I grew out of that phase though ;w;
I don't want to offend anyone but it is kind of funny to see that so many people here have had crushes on villagers in Animal Crossing. I don't think I've had one, I just like certain characters a lot, like Fang and Isabelle.

By crush, do you really mean something like "love"?

Of course not. 'Crush', in this case, just means you really like that villager. They're most likely your dream villager, and you want them in your town. I don't even see how actually loving a pixel is possible tbh lol.
I have a huge crush for Chief. I'm at the point of oh you want any ocean fish? Here's my coelacanth 0w0
He's kinda like a virtual brother :3
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