Have you ever seen a Rainbow?


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Oct 23, 2016
Ever seen a rainbow in the sky after some rain?
I remember seeing my first rainbow when I was around 9-10, definitely was very memorable and it looked great.
I see them frequently. It's the one perk of living in a country where it rains 200-250 days a year.
Yes, on account of the fact I am neither blind nor am a gnome that lives underground
Yes, a lot but I remember seeing more when I was really young and playing outdoor games.
Only a couple times when I was out of state. In Arizona, it literally never rains...
Yeah and I love them. I remember seeing a double rainbow and just being in awe.
Yup I see them pretty frequently! At least a couple of times a year. I've seen a huge double one too, so beautiful
Yeah I have. I guess there are some good forecasts for those here during some seasons. Wish they'd appear more though, they are really pretty.
they're rare but yes. I remember seeing one last year and it was even a full double rainbow. it was cool, and funny enough in an outside wedding lol.
oh yeah, i grew up in torando alley so there have been lots of pds storms and tornado's followed by clear sunny skies and a rainbow
Yes, I have seen them many times, double ones as well. But I'm still after the treasure.
YES! Have you guys ever seen an actual double rainbow? I sure have. :D
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Besides the little rainbows reflected from little prisms in the house or really light, easily miss*able ones found outside, only once. It was extraordinarily memorable for me. It was probably the most depressing night.

I was with a friend, and we had to constantly hide from his jealous ex-girlfriend, who used to be my friend, walking from place to place just in case she'd show up. At the same time, it was storming pretty badly and his brother who I adored was having a manic-I-might-kill-myself episode. There were other things that made it feel bleak, like another friend we visited having home issues. And while soaked, trudging through the heavy rain, the most gorgeous and vivid rainbow arched right above us, spanning tall with its ends disappearing behind the buildings either side. This was the only time I had ever seen a proper rainbow, and it was pretty hope-giving.

they're rare but yes. I remember seeing one last year and it was even a full double rainbow. it was cool, and funny enough in an outside wedding lol.

That sounds beautiful! How fantastic for the bride and groom!
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Every year man. But the more magnificent sight than a rainbow are these clouds.


The last time I saw them was 3 years ago, and I savored ever minute with it.