Have you ever taught yourself a skill?

I taught myself the guitar and the ukulele. I also taught myself how to use Photoshop, and way-back-when I taught myself how to video edit.

I also taught myself how to BS academic essays.
I taught myself to play piano, found out what keys were which notes and was able to sightread music really quickly because I play clarinet and saxophone.

I dunno what else though..I taught myself how to play animal crossing?
For some reason I thought that I already replied to this thread, but my answer isn't anywhere to be found.

Anyway, I've taught myself how to type on a computer without having to look at the keys or screen.
taught myself bmx. I do mostly trail riding since I have a few jumps made out in the woods by my parents house. I didn't really pick up any street riding skills until I went to college.
I suppose I taught myself to draw? I did go to school for a little while, but in retrospect, it wasn't really worth it. The stuff I wanted to draw, they tried to stomp out of me. The stuff they did teach me, I could have learned online for free. The dent in my wallet hurts me to this day.
I taught myself how to knit, that was fairly easy. I can't remember how to do it now, but I'm sure if I really wanted to I could teach myself again c: I tried to learn German on my own as well but I quickly gave up.
I suppose I taught myself to draw? I did go to school for a little while, but in retrospect, it wasn't really worth it. The stuff I wanted to draw, they tried to stomp out of me. The stuff they did teach me, I could have learned online for free. The dent in my wallet hurts me to this day.

Pretty much how 'art' went in my school.

I'm pretty good at art (though I was a lot better at it back in school when I did it more regularly) but I still failed my art exams because they made me do stuff I wasn't very good with rather than what I can actually do...

I.E, they made me do cars with water colors/paint...I can't draw cars, they always end up looking weird (probably doesn't help I have no interest in cars) and I'm useless with paint...So why they forced me to do that for a year is mind boggling.
I taught myself to draw, I guess. I never look at tutorials. I just prefer to watch other people draw and take tips from that.

I kind of taught myself to train animals...? I like to train my guinea pig, but I've never had someone professional do it for me. I have gotten tips and seen helpful videos, though.
Make paintings. My grandma is an artist and she taught me how to paint on canvas back in 2013.
I taught myself to apply makeup. It's been a long but very fun process and it was at the 5 year mark that I realised I have actually become very good at it.

It's just a hobby and as much as I love it I would probably never want to do it as a career. I have done a couple of little jobs for friends and family though. I even did my friend's sister's school formal makeup which I was so nervous about because I'm not used to putting it on other people and formals are a big deal here. She loved it though and I was pleasantly surprised at how well I did. I also got paid a bit which was nice. :)
I had a little help I suppose, but other then that I learned myself how to play poker (for real money).

Ehm.... I guess I`m not very skillful. :D
Pretty much how 'art' went in my school.

I'm pretty good at art (though I was a lot better at it back in school when I did it more regularly) but I still failed my art exams because they made me do stuff I wasn't very good with rather than what I can actually do...

I.E, they made me do cars with water colors/paint...I can't draw cars, they always end up looking weird (probably doesn't help I have no interest in cars) and I'm useless with paint...So why they forced me to do that for a year is mind boggling.

Yeah I have much the same experience, I did art to A Level (sorry, not sure what the equivalent is outside of the UK!) and no way was I going to do an art degree. I had terrible art teachers, wasn't taught properly (we didnt even use oil paints), I used to enjoy pencil drawing but I was told that pencil drawing wasn't appropriate for my course (bwuh). I couldn't do or develop my own style, or try out my own things. In the last year of my A levels I had the only good art teacher who really encouraged me to paint (so one ray of sunshine).

So pretty much I've had to teach myself all the art basics of composition and painting haha. I also taught myself to play the saxophone and the usual computer things like photoshop/indesign/basic doing -- Stuff you generally pick up whilst being online.
Pretty much how 'art' went in my school.

I'm pretty good at art (though I was a lot better at it back in school when I did it more regularly) but I still failed my art exams because they made me do stuff I wasn't very good with rather than what I can actually do...

I.E, they made me do cars with water colors/paint...I can't draw cars, they always end up looking weird (probably doesn't help I have no interest in cars) and I'm useless with paint...So why they forced me to do that for a year is mind boggling.

I feel like I did suffer a bit when I stopped drawing for a while. Not years, mind you, but a while. Additionally, because I wasn't able to hone the style that I really wanted to work in, I'm not where I want to be.

I'm glad to be away from any form of art school, though. Since I have no obligations related to art specifically anymore, I can work on my style more, and figure out what I like about the way I draw, what I want to change, and slowly refine my style until it starts to feel more refined. Last year was a pretty nice year for me, art-wise. I'm not where I want to be, but I can see now that it's more possible than I originally thought.
I taught myself how to draw and use photoshop. I simply relied on references, google and continuous practice. Though I plan on taking Multimedia Arts as my elective for next year.
I'm not sure if it's considered a skill but I managed to (accidentally) learn the first few lines of "The Phantom of the Opera" on piano when I knew jack on playing.
I taught myself to catch m&ms when I throw them 5 feet in the air.
I've accomplished great things... Great things.
What did you study in college?
Maybe you can teach yourself something related to the field you're most interested in & find something related to it to learn by yourself.

I taught myself guitar after years of experience with music (violin, singing, saxophone.)
also taught myself video editing, with the help of yt videos & friends. came a long way.
with graphic design or drawing mostly just trial and error, i've known how to use PS since like 3rd grade lol. i'm in college now so it's been a hella long time. i did have to learn a lot on my own though, even though i did have teachers helping me.
Drawing, origami, and a little bit of cooking
I suck compared to my Sims character, lmao. She's mastered every skill 8)
Drawing, origami, and a little bit of cooking
I suck compared to my Sims character, lmao. She's mastered every skill 8)

Ohhh I should have mentioned that! I'm good at cooking too!

I mean honestly youtube channels like "CookingWithDog" helped me out a lot. The way the woman cooks on that YT show is so aesthetically pleasing...

I live on foodnetwork