Have you ever thought about leaving TBT?

I did for a long time! I first got Animal Crossing New Leaf when it first came out, maybe 2012 or 2013? Can't remember. I do remember playing it in high school, about up until the time I graduated, and traded it back to Gamestop because I had finished pretty much everything you could do in the game at that time. So I was maybe here for a couple years, left for 4 ish because I got rid of my game, and am now back on because I bought the new New Leaf! I came back because this forum is just so useful for so many things, and people are generally nice and understanding!
I changed my username 3 times, I tried to give this site a chance, but nope it seems like everytime I'm on here, some of the threads I make get ignored and sometimes whenever I share an opinion I get attacked. I am done giving this site a chance. If all people do on here is attack me or just simply try to make me think a certain way I am not having it. Social Media has already killed my mental health and now I am just taking my leave on this site. Yes I know this is an old thread and I am probably going to get a warning point because I "bumped" a thread, but I don't care anymore. I am just done at this point.
I thought about it at one point. I never actually left, but I did take a break from the site for one whole day. It wasn’t that long of a break, but it was much needed. I learned that you shouldn’t make decisions whenever you’re upset. As someone who is more right-leaning and the minority of this site, I try not to participate in touchy subjects. Obviously it’s okay to have an opinion or belief, but an Animal Crossing forum isn’t the best place for those discussions anyway.
I've never considered quitting, but it's not unusual for me to disappear for a few months or more simply because I've forgotten this place.
Haha look at me from 2017. I don't usually vanish like that anymore!

Okay but seriously, I did consider leaving once for at least a hiatus. I don't remember what made me change my mind, but I don't think I would do that now unless I got very sick or something.
Yep. I have, and did for awhile, and have been recently

Just because im over whelmed by all the incredible talent, and then look at my own stuff and go-


I defently will never be as good as any talent on here. Sometimes I dont wven think people care about my stuff.
Obviously it’s okay to have an opinion or belief, but an Animal Crossing forum isn’t the best place for those discussions anyway.
100% and obviously since if you don't agree with some general unspoken set of opinions you immediately get attacked.

But yeah back to topic, I still think of it, hardest would probably be getting rid of collectibles alternatively let them rot but they're worth a lot and I'd like to think someone has 100% more use for them.
Yes, got totally overwhelmed a few months ago. Just life and so unlike me. I know this isn’t a station and you don’t need to announce your departure 😂

I felt so low but couldn’t believe I had people that cared about me. I felt accepted and knowing that I have friends here just makes me so grateful and thankful 🥰

If I ever seriously need more than a little break I will just give away my collectibles to friends as they mean so much to me (not going anywhere atm 😘❤️)
I joined sometime around 2017 and was mostly there for trading to get my NL town complete, which I never did get around to until like late 2019 due to life and the such. It really wasn't until NH dropped that I actually became a mainstay here.

Lost a few 'good' friends and before that I wasn't very active. Now I am and hope and like getting to know a lot of cool people here. There are times I kind of slip away for a week or more, but I come back.
I come and go periodically but I've never wanted to leave for good. It's just too nice here even though I'm a totally lurking type 😅
No. I would never permanently leave, I just switch between being inactive and active :p
I have a very inconsistent activity schedule XD
So far, I have never thought about leaving TBT. I love the community too much and the collectibles are addicting. I have been checking in every day for years now. I suppose at some point I will eventually move on, and I've considered how to handle that if and when the time comes. I won't want all of my rare collectibles sitting in my inventory when there are many people who would appreciate them. But for now, I'm sure that time is far away because I still love this site too much to consider leaving it.
i left in 2017 and came back in 2020, so yeah lol. since returning, i’ve definitely thought about leaving again for several reasons; feeling like an outcast, depression, a lot of my friends leaving or going inactive, but i stay because at the end of the day, i love it here. i love how kind everyone is to me, the events, the collectibles, all of it. i definitely need small breaks every now and again, but i don’t see myself leaving permanently anytime soon. ^^

I defently will never be as good as any talent on here. Sometimes I dont wven think people care about my stuff.
i care. i think your art’s awesome, and i’m sure plenty of other people do as well. 💜
A bit, back in 2018!! It was the weird era between the dying New Leaf and the unannounced New Horizons so it was pretty barren here. I also didn't have a ton of friends because I was terribly introverted and shy, haha. But with the coming of New Horizons, I met new people and became friends with many of them, and I slowly worked towards being more sociable! Nowadays, I enjoy talking to my TBT friends on a daily-ish basis, and they're what keep me on this site. ^o^
Yes. At the beginning of 2019, I had plans to leave because my life was getting busier at the time and I should just leave. Don't worry, this obviously has nothing to do with the members on here. Buuuuuut, I eventually logged back on a few months later and continued being around in the forums lol. Sure, I've had a few short hiatuses here and there since, but it was never about leaving the site permanently. Just some time to recharge my batteries and socialize with others again. :)
no, i’ve taken unofficial “breaks” by not posting for maybe a day or two, that’s just because i have no new threads to post in. if im not posting, im lurking. i spend majority of my time on here and i’ve logged in daily since 2019. i have never thought of permanently leaving, if i do leave i think i would eventually come back.