Have you ever thought about leaving TBT?

I did the other day.

I'm an adult and was surprised to receive an infraction from someone, for simply posting in a topic where someone was asking for a certain ACNL item. I posted I would also like this item.

I didn't know you couldn't do that, as it's very hard to read tiny print when you've only had a mobile, and no PC, for the past decade.

Having Admin'd many forums over the years, I thought it would be spamming if I made a topic asking for the same item.
I was trying to cut down on duplicate topics.

The infraction is for 'rude behavior'.

I was NOT rude at all!

An apology would be nice, if you can see it from my point of view.
I was polite, and trying not to spam the forum with a duplicate topic.

I suffer depression, and that infraction truly hurt, as I was only trying to be helpful.

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Been thinking about leaving these past couple of days, mainly because of annoyance etc.
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Nah, I haven't. If I'm bored with the site I'll just leave for awhile, no reason to leave completly.
I've left so many times. :^)

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*but I've been on longer than most of you youngsters*
No one really leaves tbt they just make alts until they get caught, typically after making a bad reputation on here and not being able to handle it

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Yes; when I first joined and people were mean to me. I stayed because I met my husband on here
Literally everyone knows you met ur husband on here u don't need to mention it in every other post
I mean it seems like I'm just screaming into the air about certain aspects of community management practically every other time I come here, but I haven't actively planned on formally leaving

though I do go on/off being active at random intervals, but that's pretty normal for me with any forum I've been on
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I have gone on hiatus but I've never thought about permanently leaving... maybe when my plate becomes too full but right now I'm still a teen so I may as well enjoy this game to the fullest!

Anyways, I stay because it's easy to make friends, sell, trade, buy, etc. and I know other sites can be confusing at first but I picked up on how to use this site pretty quickly.
I was inactive and went on hiatus quite often for my first 2 years here. In my experience, this forum is the easiest to navigate and the most active when it comes to trading and multiplayer. So as long as I'm playing Animal Crossing I will probably never leave this forum. Plus I kinda enjoy posting in the non-game related threads.
Well, it's just a forum. Sometimes I post, sometimes I don't. Depending on whether my mood is good enough to chat.
Nah animal crossing community is dead and Reddit is kind of ehh. This is the last place for me to play with other people.
Never ever thought of it. I did take breaks, though. I still think you guys are not bad lollipops. (Yes, that's my motto)
I actually quit for 10 months before. I even made a blog entry, saying that I'm leaving. But wherever I went to instead of TBT was worse than TBT at its worst times, so I came back.
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I've considered it a bit, simply because it gets me overly obsessed with making bells instead of just enjoying the game :/ I've stayed though because this is a great community and I just need to work on moderation haha