Have you preordered?

i like to preorder games i know i want to buy and pay for them in advance. that way i don't have to worry about being strapped for cash on release day. :D sometimes i even forget and open up the mail and it's like a little present from past me.
I don't usually pre-order games, since I can just easily go pick them up on release day. But this time I pre-ordered at Target because I want the journal that comes with it. I also pre-ordered the AC Switch and case from Target.

I have release day all planned out, lol. I even requested the day off work because I have plenty of vacation hours saved up. I had to pre-order online, but I don't want to waste my day off waiting for the mail to come. I'm heading to Target at 8am to buy the game, and then I'll just return the one that comes in the mail later.

Dem pro gamer movies lol
idk what day the 20th lands but i work close to a Gstop so if i am working ill pick it up on my lunch break.
If it happens to be on a thurs ill be buying the game then and there also :)
I wanted them pins from the nintendo site but pre orders are all done now as far as getting bonuses.
I've preloaded the game + getting the physical copy as well when it comes out, is it too much? LOL!

I can see myself getting a second copy down the road, lol. I'll have two Switches, so why not.