Shop [Hazel's pixel shop] SHOP CLOSED [Stream: offline]

*wishes for TBT*
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Ooh, so cute! Definitely going to try and make an order when slots are back open! c:
✿ i'd love one of these, your work is adorable! ✿
Name: Leah (sparklestar)
Reference pic:


Other info: if its hard to fit in all the details just use what you think looks best, i trust you! ^^ thanks so much ❀ also i would like to use it in one of my signatures with the villager pixels, so if she could be around that size/a bit taller that would be perfect!
Blinking/not blinking: blinking please <3
i'll send the TBT now!
your pixel is finished - it's in the pickup bit of the first post :)

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Yes, please. :) I understand that you don't do the large ones that you did like the freebies anymore.

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I'll send 100 TBTB to change my order to non animated eyes. :).

your pixel is finished - it's in the pickup bit of the first post :)
AHHH its so adorable i love it!! thank you so so much and you were so fast too <33
your pixel is finished - it's in the pickup bit of the first post :)

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your pixel is finished - it's in the pickup bit of the first post :)

OMG, THANK YOU!! <3 You are so speedy! THANK YOU! <3
Name: pengutango ✿
Reference pic: See spoiler tag below~
I have no ref sheet for it right now as it's my newest outfit. All the images are under spoiler tags.


I know I'm wearing black pumps, but don't draw those. There are IRL shoes I'd like you to use instead. If you can't draw that, then the pumps would be my backup.
With the headgear, not sure, which one I like better, so there are 4 options. 2 flowers, hairpin, and a hat. You can pick which one you like best. :)
Pink or white Carnation:

Not sure which one I like better, so you can pick.​
Black Pumps (optional):
Oval shades (optional):
Floppy Hat:
Flashy Hairpin:

Use one of these shoes instead, but if can't draw either of them, you can draw the black pumps I posted above:
Boyfriend's mayor:

Other info: Would you be willing to do a couple? I am will to pay more. I think I want a different ref, but I need to double check.

I don't have a pose in mind for the two of them, so just make them cute. :)

Blinking/not blinking: blinking

EDIT: Decided to change it to a different ref. :3 Blargh, I need to make a ref sheet for that mayor... -____-

EDIT 2: Added in my boyfriend's mayor~ :)

Name: Gracelia ✿
Reference pic: xx ref2: hair
Other info: Can you please use ref. 2 for the hair? I'd like it to be long (maybe to mid back??), thank you very much!! Flower in there is fine too :) (if it can fit XD)
Blinking/not blinking: No blinking please!

completed both! they are in the pick up section on the first post :)
Name: PokeCam420
Reference pic: In "ACNL Info" spoiler in sig, may have to refresh 2-3 times
Other info:
Blinking/not blinking: Not please
Thank you hzl!

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Idk how to put symbols

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Name: PokeCam420
Reference pic: In "ACNL Info" spoiler in sig, may have to refresh 2-3 times
Other info:
Blinking/not blinking: Not please
Thank you hzl!

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Idk how to put symbols

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added to slots :)
I'm not sure whether I'm just being dumb or not but I can't get the sig to refresh in the spoiler
added to slots :)
I'm not sure whether I'm just being dumb or not but I can't get the sig to refresh in the spoiler
I got it just fine. Screenshot time XD

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Must be a glitch. It worked fine and then I exited out of the thread and now its just my dreamies
I got it just fine. Screenshot time XD

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Must be a glitch. It worked fine and then I exited out of the thread and now its just my dreamies

Nevermind it's popped up now I refreshed loads I've got it now haha
wowow impressive as always, hzl! i love it! :D. Do you think I can get a slot again? ^^ ✾

Name: Gracelia
Reference pic: pm'ing it to you!
Other info: couple shot is all! can there be a lil heart somewhere?
Blinking/not blinking: Non-blinking
Total TBT: 200 TBT
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Reference pic:
HNI_0083.JPGHNI_0084 (3).JPGimage.jpg
Other info: Hair is white, eyes are blue. She's wearing a doctors mask and a hibiscus hairpin.
Blinking/not blinking: Not blinking
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So cute!! <3 Thanks a bunch! Totally making it my avatar! (assuming it fits... XD)

I will definitely be back for another... once I figure out what I want.
your pixels are very cute ahh i'd love one!! ✿

Name: sally
Reference pic: [x] [x]
Other info: nope
Blinking/not blinking: not blinking
wowow impressive as always, hzl! i love it! :D. Do you think I can get a slot again? ^^ ✾

Name: Gracelia
Reference pic: pm'ing it to you!
Other info: couple shot is all! can there be a lil heart somewhere?
Blinking/not blinking: Non-blinking
Total TBT: 200 TBT

Reference pic: Other info: Hair is white, eyes are blue. She's wearing a doctors mask and a hibiscus hairpin.
Blinking/not blinking: Not blinking

your pixels are very cute ahh i'd love one!! ✿

Name: sally
Reference pic: [x] [x]
Other info: nope
Blinking/not blinking: not blinking

added you guys to slots :)

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Name: PokeCam420
Reference pic: In "ACNL Info" spoiler in sig, may have to refresh 2-3 times
Other info:
Blinking/not blinking: Not please
Thank you hzl!

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Idk how to put symbols

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your pixel is finished - it's in the pickup section of the first post :)