Healthy Lifestyle Support Thread

Mon 19/08/24 - Sun 25/08/24

Dietary Intake

Calories (kcal)21001252
Carbohydates (g)30088
Fat (g)6045
Protein (g)10046

Well, last week was a disaster. I've been ill and had zero energy to cook or eat and when I have eaten it has been fast food. My weight has dropped 2lbs down to 126.4lbs. I struggle to eat enough calories even on a usual week, so I ended up buying a weight gain powder that is high in carbohydrates (60g) and protein (35g) and low in fat (7g). It has the consistency and taste of diluted pineapple juice making it easy to get down. Hopefully this means next weeks stats will look a little better.

Alcohol non-existent, nicotine low, caffeine <200mg a day.


Spent most of the week in bed and had to cancel my PT session. :cry:

Average steps for the week is at 3,854.

Exercise Total: 0 minutes.
Mon 26/08/24 - Sun 01/09/24

Dietary Intake

Calories (kcal)21001665
Carbohydrates (g)300163
Fat (g)6038
Protein (g)10075

Still ill and my weight has dropped slightly to 126.1lbs, but I've managed to up my average daily intake and I've been eating healthier overall so it's a win over last week. Constantly exhausted with severe brain fog and zero appetite but thankfully have a doctor's appointment coming up this week to investigate that.


Saw my PT twice this week. Despite feeling absolutely drained I did well, working with higher weights, more reps, and better form. A side effect of being ill though is that recovery has been more intense and taken longer than usual.

Average steps for the week is at 6,698. Up from last week - most days this week I at least went out for a walk, even if it was just to go to the doctor or to buy milk. Although I'd then need a nap after to recover. Saturday was the exception where I basically just slept the entire day.

Stength Training: 120 minutes.
Total: 120 minutes.
Mon 02/08/24 - Sun 08/09/24

Dietary Intake

Calories (kcal)21001496
Carbohydrates (g)300162
Fat (g)6044
Protein (g)10059

Still ill and three days this week I barely ate. Weight dropped as low as 123.7lbs - although low intake is also coupled with much fewer calories burned, with my average being 1,558. Doctor has found an iron overload in my blood tests and I'm being investigated for numerous hereditary illnesses, including coeliac disease, but I'm not allowed to try altering my diet until the results come back later in the month. So for now I have to continue dealing with horrendous gastrointestinal issues. 🙃


My workout this week was dreadful. Zero energy and impacted by stomach issues. I'm glad I went though.

Average steps for the week is at 3,560. I couldn't even manage to leave the house for a walk Fri-Sun, basically confined to the living room couch.

Stength Training: 60 minutes.
Total: 60