Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

Hmmm... I would be willing to part one for 2k (thinking what sort of trades people are willing to do right now for collectible trades). :) How does that sound to you?
I appreciate the offer but I think I'm going to have to pass. I like how the collectible looks and that it's Friday the 13th themed but I don't know that I'll get 2000 TBT worth of use out of it.

Thank you for giving me the chance though, and I hope you have a great weekend. :)
I appreciate the offer but I think I'm going to have to pass. I like how the collectible looks and that it's Friday the 13th themed but I don't know that I'll get 2000 TBT worth of use out of it.

Thank you for giving me the chance though, and I hope you have a great weekend. :)

Ok, no problem! :) If 2,000 seems high, what would you be comfortable with possibly? Thank you, I hope you do as well!
I have a Lobo collectible. I have no idea how much it is worth though. Would you like to know the date?

The date doesn't really matter to me.

As for price, the collectible tier list places it in Tier 7, with a range between 100 and 200. Would you be happy with, say, 150? Let me know. :)

Hiya, sorry I took long to reply. That sounds perfectly fine! I didn't have much use to him, would you like a message on the collectible?
Hiya, sorry I took long to reply. That sounds perfectly fine! I didn't have much use to him, would you like a message on the collectible?
No message necessary on the collectible. Sent your TBT, thank you! :D
Sorry! Just gonna send it over now, let me know once you've gotten Lobo~
Awesome! Thank you again, good luck on finding the other two Lobo's!
Sorry! Just gonna send it over now, let me know once you've gotten Lobo~
Awesome! Thank you again, good luck on finding the other two Lobo's!
Got him, thank you. And thank you for the good luck wish. :)

I hope you have a great rest of the week. :D
Yes, that would be awesome. Thank you! I'll send the bells your way now and you can send it over when you can. :)
I just sent Lobo. I didn't include a message but if you'd like one I'd be happy to add one for you if you'd like. Thank you!