Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

Hi! I am desperately wanting a glistening butterfly. Could include an apple in the trade if you want 💜
Hi! I am desperately wanting a glistening butterfly. Could include an apple in the trade if you want 💜

I'm primarily focusing on trying to sell a Butterfly Wand or Lilies of the Valley since I want to maximize my potential profits to have a good cushion for the Halloween season that is approaching. A number of my tickets are accounted for between a purchase/trade with someone and me wanting to grab a Bluebird of Happiness for myself, so after adding up all the potential tickets I can earn, there isn't a lot of wiggle room and I'm hoping that Wands or Lilies might end up with a higher market price than the butterflies, crystals, mushrooms, etc.

Subject to change once prices get established for the Wands and Lilies (haven't seen any as of yet), but for right now I'll have to pass unfortunately. Let me know if you end up acquiring one, I'll let you know if anything changes regarding my ticket situation.
Totally understand and I would be grateful if you would keep me in mind if your ticket situation changes as I would love a few butterflies (slight purple obsession 😊) Thank you 💜
Hello, I'm interested in purchasing a Lily of the Valley depending on how much you'd like for one. I'm limited to the TBT I do have in my ABD, so I hope I can afford one. I would appreciate if you could let me know. 😌
Hello, I'm interested in purchasing a Lily of the Valley depending on how much you'd like for one. I'm limited to the TBT I do have in my ABD, so I hope I can afford one. I would appreciate if you could let me know. 😌
Going to send you a message in a moment, be on the lookout.


🦋🦋🦋 Bump! 🦋🦋🦋
Are black mushrooms still something you are interested in? Don’t plan on using mine
Are black mushrooms still something you are interested in? Don’t plan on using mine

i also have black mushrooms that i wouldn't mind selling or trading 👀

I'd be down to buy two Black Mushrooms from each of you if interested. Bought some from MasterM64 the other day for 260 each if that sounds good.

I'd be down to buy two Black Mushrooms from each of you if interested. Bought some from MasterM64 the other day for 260 each if that sounds good.
yep that works for me! I'll send them over once we get the tokens
Not sure if you're going for a full black mushroom lineup. I'd be down to sell one of mine when I get the token. :)
I am indeed going for a full one. The 260 price I mentioned to the others sound good?

yep that works for me! I'll send them over once we get the tokens
Awesome, thanks! I dunno when the tokens are dropping but I'm participating in that Smash Bros. session tonight for Gaming Grove, so I'll just send the bells now. No messages necessary on them.
I am indeed going for a full one. The 260 price I mentioned to the others sound good?
Yeah 260 is great. If you'd like, I'm down to sell my Nov 26, 2021 black mush. If you'd prefer the token one though, sounds good. :) If you want the 2021, I'll send it over whenever I get the TBT, just lmk if you want a specific message.
Yeah 260 is great. If you'd like, I'm down to sell my Nov 26, 2021 black mush. If you'd prefer the token one though, sounds good. :) If you want the 2021, I'll send it over whenever I get the TBT, just lmk if you want a specific message.
Date's inconsequential to me so feel free to send the November 2021 one. I'll send the bells now, no message necessary, thank you! :)

that works for me! i can send one as soon as the tokens drop!
All right, sounds good. Since I'm participating in the Super Smash Bros. session in a few minutes and will be preoccupied on the chance that the tokens are distributed around 7:00, I'll send the bells now. Thank you in advance!
Thank you so much! 260 would be amazing! 🥰
Awesome, thanks! Participating in the Smash Bros. session for Gaming Grove in a couple minutes so will be preoccupied if the tokens drop within the hour. Will send the bells now. No message necessary on it. Thank you!
🍄 Thanks to everyone who sold me a Black Famous Mushroom yesterday. Got all I needed! I appreciate it! 🍄

🦋🦋🦋 Bump! 🦋🦋🦋