Hello The Bell Tree Forums!


Deleted User

I am not exactly new but I never got a proper chance to introduce myself. Hello, I'm Spiderweb 78, I have Wild World and City Folk enabled with Wi-Fi so I am free to add anyone who wishes to be my friend.I only have my City Folk Friend Code right now but I'll try to post up my Wild World's as soon as possible. If you add me, please post a reply stating your Friend Code and when you are available to play!

Edit: Oops! Sorry. I just noticed I am not allowed to post anything on Wi-Fi here. Forget what I said about Wi-Fi
Hey and welcome! I don't have a Wii yet so I can't give you mine yet but i'll give it to you as soon as possible! Peace. ;)
Welcome to TBT
I are teh Coffeebean!
You can call me coffeh
You'll be seeing a lot of me here
But...BEWARE young n00blet >:p