

Junior Member
Sep 25, 2015
I've been a long time fan of the series and barely went on forums to meet other fans! So here I am!

Anyways, I hope to be very active in the Happy Home Designer section for trading and just plain old having fun. Those darn cards are going to bleed me dry!

I can't wait to get started!
Welcome to the forums! :) It was the same deal with me, I actually didn't even know of the forums until last year when I was looking up suggestions for catchphrases and greetings.

I hope you enjoy your time here. :)
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welcome to tbt!! hope to see you active with hhd!! i'm super excited for release (aus so don't get my bundle until november </3)
Welcome to TBT!
HHD is bleeding me dry, and I haven't even started to invest in it. ;;
Once I get the bundle, all I can do is hope I remember to check on my AC:NL town everyonce in a while. It'd be a shame to downright dump my town for what looks to be a promising new game.
I'm a long time fan too - the thought of joining TBT just didn't even seem like a possibility in my brain until this year.

But we're all here now and it's a good time to be into Animal Crossing!
