Help Again?!

That Marshal Fangirl

Aug 27, 2016
Snowflake Glow Wand
I'm trying to upload a gif for my signature but they keep saying the file is too big or in the case of my current avatar, it's a gif but it's not animating. Can someone help? I spent a lot of TBT on this add-on!
Check the size? Not the pixels, width, or length.
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You bought that?! Hun, you can just use Imgur!!!
Unless you're talking about an avatar and not a signature?
if it doesn't work as a gif i generally just don't use it and find something else to work. i use imgur if it doesn't work and i really like the gif. secondly, if the file is too big resize it on a gif resize website. try ezgif and detail it down to your max, 150 x 100. that's mostly it.
For your current avatar, the gif needs to be 150 L by 100 H at the most, and you should try to keep the file size under (around) 200 KB. (I believe the max is 264 but it's best to just make it under) Lots of people have issues with the file size. If it exceeds either of these, it's too big and it wont be animated. Try using ez gif and skip frames, or if you dont like how it looks without some frames, compress it to make the file size smaller. Or you can just remove unnecessary frames, crop it, etc.
For your gif sig, use imgur and get the BBCode thats given to you when you upload the picture.
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