Help! Which should I get first?


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2015
So I was thinking about buying a 3DS (the one with the animal crossing print of course ;) ) because my 2DS is almost 5 1/2 years old and its taken quite the beating! I was also thinking about buying a second copy of New Leaf. I checked prices at my local gamestop, and it would cost about $140 for those two things.
Now here's my dilemma: I currently do not own a Switch, and I'm afraid that I'm gonna buy the 3DS and second copy of New Leaf, and then a new Animal Crossing game will be released for the switch. Obviously if a new ac game is released for the switch, I'm gonna want to buy it right away, but if I buy the 3DS and the new copy of New leaf, I wont have as much money saved up, and I'll most likely have to wait until christmas to get it and I'll probably explode if I have to wait that long! Of course, I don't know if a new Animal crossing game will be released any time soon, or even any time this year.
So, any advice on what to do?
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Well I assume 3DS will be supported for some time so I don't think you'd make that huge of a loss, and the community trading and buying here is pretty active as well. And yeah if you need a new 3ds console, I'd def look into any of the "new" models, especially if you can. I'd wait with a Switch for when and if they actually release it.
I would go with the Switch, but that’s mainly because I think it’s an amazing console overall. Ever since getting one I haven’t touched my 3DS because, well, there’s really no need to due to the handheld mode on the Switch. But if you REALLY want to play New Leaf, then I’d go for the 3DS and hope an AC Switch isn’t announced soon or at least is announced far enough in the future where you can plan to get a Switch. I do think you’ll be safe though because even if they do announce a new animal crossing game at E3 like everyone thinks they’re going to, it more than likely won’t be released until early to mid 2019 (that’s my guess anyway)
animal crossing switch probably wont be released for a while, but i still highly recommend you get a switch. my friend decided to get a switch insead of a new ds and hes really happy. plus there are a ton of fun games out for the switch already, like splatoon 2, breath of the wild, mario kart, stardew valley, celeste, and so much more. and smash 5 is coming soon. as long as your ds works fine now i dont think you should get a new one, or maybe you could get one of those 80 dollar 2dses. or you could also wait for e3 in a couple months and if ac isnt announced then then go for the new ds

I would get a Switch cause you could jam out to Jump Up Superstar and throw your hat at random pedestrians in the streets of New Donk while you're waitin for AC Switch :)
It really depends, because both are really good systems. However, the Switch is newer and has more games coming along the way, and trust me, AC is not the only reason to get it. Zelda Botw, Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, and so many more. And while this game is more like Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley is probably the closest game to AC that will fill that AC void until it comes. AC will come eventually, as having on the Switch would bring MASSIVE sales. So in the end, go with what you want. It depends on if you need a gaming fix now, or if you are looking long-term.
Thanks for the input everybody! I think I'll wait until E3 to see if AC is announced for the switch, and if not I'll get the 3DS then :)
Thanks for the input everybody! I think I'll wait until E3 to see if AC is announced for the switch, and if not I'll get the 3DS then :)

Good idea! ^^
Cause imo New Leaf has aged so well so to continue playing it now, despite there not being a new AC game for a while doesn't even feel that bad to me. But you definitely don't wanna blow the money if there is a new game coming out.