Help with sound, is anyone else experiencing this?


Senior Member
Nov 17, 2008
Throwback Tickets
My game seems super distorted, every time i catch anything or when a certain song plays it crackles a bit. When i press the Home button or resume the game i have a "holy **** ow my ears" moment.

But it only happens with this game; all my other games are fine, though i have noticed that most games have a higher volume when turned up all the way than this game does. Would that be the cause of it?

It is just messing up what little bit of OCD i have left, it ruins my comfyness and it gives me a slight headache. The weird thing is that it only started happening recently...maybe I've been playing it too much?

If i did take it back to the store would i be able to save my data and transfer it over to the new cart or SD card? I don't want to lose all of this work...
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I've never experienced this... :|

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and you can only do a system transfer with 3DS', not the actual card itself.
Are you playing on an XL? I find the XL's speakers to be very crackly when I play ACNL. The game sounds fine on my regular 3DS.
Yep it's an XL.

I've heard the problem is common in XL's; but i thought it was weird that it only happen in New Leaf
I have the poptart and personally, I haven't experienced this. > o<
I have an XL and haven't experienced this before. :c
Do you have headphones? I wonder if using them would get the same problem.
The only headphones i have are USB ones, so i can't test that.

I guess i will just learn to live with it. It's honestly a first world problem, all it does is cause some headaches and bug me. I do hope the crackling does not start happening in other games; that would make me return the system.

I would still appreciate if people would post and say if they have this same issue; i'm curious to see how common it is
Never had a problem with my XL...and I thought that the sound problem everyone was talking about was fixed in the later models. If your able to bear it, maybe you should send it to Nintendo :/