I just think the news is so hilarious. I kinda love it when Nintendo does something goofy like this because it throws everyone off.
As for the actual product, I feel like this is something that could have been an app on the following console. The Switch already has a motion sensor and a lot of people game in their bedrooms. I'm actually for having an alarm/reminder system on the Switch itself because I like the feature for Ring Fit. Additionally, it could be its own app like Pokemon Sleep.
I've also seen a twitter thread from someone using the clock and it's incredibly finicky. You need to have it a certain distance from your bed, which means you may need a bedside table. It needs to face you a certain way or else it won't work correctly. The LED screen is a rectangle, not circle shaped. The end product feels very underbaked.
It was very funny and I love memeing about it, but yeah, not buying.
After seeing someone on YouTube trying out Alarmo, I’m slightly more intrigued but the price is one of the things making me not want to get it right now. If the price drops or it goes on sale and I have the money on me then maybe I’ll get. The other issue is the location I HAVE to put the clock in my bedroom. The easiest outlet that I could put it is in a location that probably won’t work because it’s at the end of my bed and the only other place is the dresser and I need an USB plug and the outlet is far from the dresser and is about two feet away right next to the light switch.