Hi im Kate Cris`s Girlfriend this is the big secert that he was talking about He got his first kiss! and he got 200 big ones he got a kiss! from a girl!!*me* then we hooked up but something happend he went to the hopstial again he fainted at dinner before he ate. He didnt wake up he is still out cold. Thank you for reading
[quote="] Hi im Kate Cris`s Girlfriend this is the big secert that he was talking about He got his first kiss! and he got 200 big ones he got a kiss! from a girl!!*me* then we hooked up but something happend he went to the hopstial again he fainted at dinner before he ate. He didnt wake up he is still out cold. Thank you for reading
[quote="] Hi im Kate Cris`s Girlfriend this is the big secert that he was talking about He got his first kiss! and he got 200 big ones he got a kiss! from a girl!!*me* then we hooked up but something happend he went to the hopstial again he fainted at dinner before he ate. He didnt wake up he is still out cold. Thank you for reading
:'( [/quote]
Well, good for him (for the 1st part).
As for the second part, give him our best wishes.
[quote="] Hi guys im back hows it going? im going to be able to go out in a month So ill just miss one week of Summer vaction but it isnt that bad [/quote]
Hey, someone revealed your secret
[quote="] Hi im sry for being late i was in a car accident i was in the back we turned a car was going also and it hit the side of the car the front of the car hit my door i got hit really hard on my leg i was rushed to the hopsital and i found out my leg was broken and my arm *right* was hit to but i wasnt broken i had to stay there for a long time and im back im here in a wheelchair and i just wanted you to know thanks for your time bye... [/quote]
lucky...wheelchairs rock