Hoard Reward won’t update


🖤 saw The Cure 🖤
Aug 4, 2020
Night Sky Scenery
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Black Hybrid Rose
I restarted my island on 1/1/21

My Hoard Reward Nook achievement has been stuck on 126/150 since the end of January.

I must have placed hundreds of furniture by now but the counter won’t budge.

I never had this problem with my previous island, I hope my island isn’t glitched :cry:
I thought that was Good Things In Store, which it says I completed back in January. Still, at this point I'm willing to try anything. I had over 800 items in storage and I just threw in a few more and nothing happened.

Hoard Reward says ”put more furniture in your house“

My house is full of furniture but once again I just added more and it didn't update :cry:
I thought that was Good Things In Store, which it says I completed back in January. Still, at this point I'm willing to try anything. I had over 800 items in storage and I just threw in a few more and nothing happened.

Hoard Reward says ”put more furniture in your house“

My house is full of furniture but once again I just added more and it didn't update :cry:
oh ok, yeah.

just to be sure, you're placing the furniture inside your house, right? and it's actually furniture being placed? (idk how picky the game is about that)
Well I decided to remove everything and add things one by one. That took forever but when I went outside the achievement triggered! I think maybe I had some outside furniture mixed in the first time? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. I’m just happy to have finally fixed it!

Thank you for helping 💜