Far Out Frequencies

Points/tokens for correct answers for round 3 have been distributed. If you did not receive credit it was most likely because you submitted an incorrect answer, misspelled words, included words that were not a part of the answer, or submitted after the submission period closed. Good job everyone who participated in round 3! Round 4 will be posted in about an hour or so give or take.

Answer for Round 3:
Gulliver to “the Lopez”, I am making my return now. I know you all have probably missed me and to be honest, I have missed you as well. I did a little more exploration on the planet, but it was a bust. Every once in a while, I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned to look, it was just forest. I loaded up several bits of moss and mossy stones to take back for us to look at, I even got enough for each of us to have one mossy stone! I cannot wait to show you all. I am most excited to get back to my terrarium project and to my bed on the mother ship. Ever since I left the uncharted planet, I have not been able to sleep well. I keep hearing strange noises, almost like crying. Listen! There it is again! It seems like it is coming from...oh no!

When preparing for round 4 I would just like to let everyone know that you will have LESS TIME to complete the round and this final round will be more difficult, so it would be a good idea to work with your teammates if you are struggling. Again, look for small words first and repeated words from previously posted rounds! You guys can do this!
Oh dear, this must be serious! I hope Gulliver is okay! This time we received two messages back to back. Just as I got the first one mostly unjumbled, the second one came through. I think we might need to split up and tackle this together!
Puzzle 4P1 Code.png

Puzzle 4P1 Message.png

(Printable PDF Below)

Puzzle 4P2 Code.png

Puzzle 4P2 Message.png

(Printable PDF Below)

It looks like there are two puzzles to solve this round so I want everyone to know that when you submit for Round 4, I need BOTH PUZZLE ANSWERS in your thread to give you your credit. I know you have less time to solve for two big puzzles so please work with your team mates if you feel like you are struggling to get these done in time. Good luck everyone!


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