This was terribly prophetic.Or a little one at the bottom, with an arrow pointing to a page 2
I will need both answers in the same post so just one thread is necessary for this round!@Kaiaa So, just to make really really sure, we need to submit both answers in the same post ?
Like "Far Out Frequency round 4" > Round 4 > Your guess: [text from puzzle 1] + [text from puzzle 2] ?
Or we should submit
"Far Out Frequency round 4-1" > Round 4 > Your guess: [text from puzzle 1]
and a second thread
"FOF round 4-2" > Round 4 > Your guess: [text from puzzle 2] ?
They should both fit into the post, I don't care how you separate them as long as I can see that you have both the part 1 and part 2 message.will both answers fit in the answer field? is there any specific way you want us to separate them (or not) that makes checking them easier?
Whatever is easiest for you, so long as I can see both answers in your post!Can we write the answer to part 1 in the "your guess" box, and then the answer to part 2 in the body text? Sorry if this has been answered I'm still a little woozy lol