Holiday updates aren't updates unless you're a time traveller


The black-nosed Reindeer
Apr 1, 2013
Green Christmas Stocking
Jingle Christmas Doll
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
I've said it. Been on my mind for a while with how underwhelming the last couple of updates have felt, and I realised it's because the only people actually benefitting from these updates are people who TT religiously, and would have played these months ahead of time.

In any other (non updating) Animal Crossing game, if you played without TTing, you would not have played the events in February, for a game that released in March. So Festivale not being in the game had no impact on how we played prior to the update. Same for the last update with Turkey day and Toy Day. The only things added there that was actually changing how a non-TTer would have played the game was the additional storage and reactions. - pretty meagre after a 60 day wait for an update.
Updates prior to these had a little more content, like Pumpkins, Dreams and Diving, which actually changed up what options you can do on a day to day basis. But it's now been nearly 4 months since anything like that was added to change the day-to-day routine in NH, and the next update so far isn't changing this either. And though you could argue the furniture additions could have been traded to you earlier, that isn't really in the spirit of not TTing, nor would it change how much there is to do beyond a bit more decorating options.

Really hoping for more going into Year 2 of the game. At the very least if they add events from March, they will be things to make the game different from the last time we played March/April. But what I've been wanting for a long time now is more longterm features, to do on the daily. A single one off event being added offers no incentive for me to return.
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As far as Animal Crossing goes, we're pretty much there now (with the final event being added). Sure we're short a Cafe and a Night Club compared to New Leaf, but other than that, we've got the main formula. Expand a house, pay off debt, complete a museum, make friends with animal villagers.

I think what we really need is just QOL improvements, and maybe some new items now and then.
The update may not change anything for non-TTers, but they're updates for TTers and non-TTers alike seeing as they wouldn't be there for either had Nintendo not updated the game to include them.
I agree with the sentiment. While I do like that the holidays could not be immediately spoiled, making them the primary focus of the updates was underwhelming at times, since holidays are something AC players have come to expect as part of the game.

This is pure speculation, but my hope is that maybe they front-loaded it with the easy updates that were mostly done early and withheld (holidays), so they could spend more development time on future updates that are more geared toward new things. That said, I'm not personally expecting many changes in terms of daily gameplay.
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I agree and I was bummed today watching the trailer. I'm kinda tired of the holiday updates, and really wanted a new feature. I really hope the next update has something big as it will be near the game's first birthday.
They meant that time-travelers accessed the month already without the holiday being there. They've already done February before, and now that February has a holiday, there is something new for them.

Every day seems the same to me, especially with this horrid snow.
It's hard to enjoy anything. :(
They meant that time-travelers accessed the month already without the holiday being there. They've already done February before, and now that February has a holiday, there is something new for them.

What does "doing February" mean to a time-traveler, especially when there isn't any content in that month besides snow?

There's nothing special about anything in the base game if you're playing ahead of the update release schedule. It might as well be a completely new month and year after the patch.
I agree with your sentiments. As a non-TTer I expect holidays to occur when they always have and new items to come with them. The updates have brought this so I’m happy with them. I don’t expect Brewster or other new NPCs because clearly that’s not what the devs wanted this game to have. If they do add them, great, if not, that’s fine too. Having monthly updates, the only thing I’d request other than the holidays that I expect to be there anyways, would be QoL updates. They don’t need to do them, but seeing as they are doing monthly updates, I don’t see why they wouldn’t.
What does "doing February" mean to a time-traveler, especially when there isn't any content in that month besides snow?

There's nothing special about anything in the base game if you're playing ahead of the update release schedule. It might as well be a completely new month and year after the patch.

What OP is trying to say is

  1. Non-TTs are going day by day. If Festival existed at release, people like me would not have experienced it until February 15th anyways.
  2. TTs can do any event whenever they feel like it, so they could have done Festival on March 19th if they wanted.
I don't see it being an issue really. I don't time travel myself. However, I still enjoy the updates and announcements.

In fact, I appreciate those players who time travel. I have access to information which allows me to prepare. (I don't mind the spoilers.)