Homebrew My Town?

Horus said:
Megamannt125 said:
If I had homebrew The only things I would do are change my villagers and move my house.
i had two goldies in my town in acww XD

it's fine if you want to change your town a little, has long has you don't give your self ifinite bells or something
But Link if you do add items I demand the golden rod and net <_< anyways maybe we should end this convo before everyone in this thread gets a warning level.
[quote="]And? Wow, it's been one month, its alredy expired right?[/quote]noo... if your wii breaks down nobody will fix it, you have to buy another lol.
Stardust said:
Trikki said:
Stardust said:
Trikki said:
He does just want to edit his town, I don't really see any harm in that as long as he isn't adding items.
hax doesnt work over wi-fi... and you cant download homebrew anymore.
I didn't download mine over wifi.
I used the twilighthack to install it.
you can't use hacking things over wi-fi.

And twilight hack expires your wii's warranty.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Ah well. I've got two of them.
Anyway, mega is right, we're gonna get a warning if we keep talking about this.
Aww well, whatever.

I dont care. Its not gonna break down rite?

Besides, Death Mountain would make EVERYONE come to my town.
I'd prolly give in and add Lake Hylia to xD
[quote="]Aww well, whatever.

I dont care. Its not gonna break down rite?

Besides, Death Mountain would make EVERYONE come to my town.
I'd prolly give in and add Lake Hylia to xD[/quote]That would be pretty cool.
Still, resetting it is the best means if you want a specific town layout.
[quote="]Yeah, but I mean a HUGE mountain :D[/quote]I don't think thats possible. You can have hills, but an entire mountain may be a little harder to come by.
[quote="]Damn.[/quote]heres some hawt advice....

Lend all your fancy items to a friend, start your game over,

get a good town layout, have your friend give back your stuff ....

and OMG problem solved.
Do it and post pics so we can all see what it was like but not have to worry about screwing up our Wii!

It's a win/win. For us. ;D
