Pokémon Hopes For Pokémon Sword and Shield?


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
What do you want most out of this new generation? You can say pretty much anything.

Personally I would like more ways to interact with my Pok?mon. Amie is one of my favorite modes but it can get fairly old after a while. I really like being able to do things with my party members, especially since some of them have been with me for years now.
A pretty general request, but as of now I am hoping for more cool ghost and bug Pokemon!
Bug is my partner's favorite type, but they always say how there either are not that many or just are not that strong?
i hope theres a good story. i hope thats its memorable as well (did usum have the same story as sm??)
For the love of all that is good in Pokemon, please let there finally be a dark type gym (No, Officer Nanu doesn’t count. That was a grand trial since gyms don’t exist in the 7th gen).
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I have three hopes:

- The story progression is a bit more open-ended/less linear (think Unova regions basically going in a circle for Gyms). I want to backtrack a little, man!
- A new Eeveelution (or two), preferably Poison type and/or Dragon-type.
I have three high hopes.

1: There to be more than 80 new Pokemon and go back to how it was before. 100+ new Pokemon.
2: A better exploration and make it where you don't forget to explore optional areas.
3: Mega Evolutions to return.
Echoing what others have already said, but that reminds me that it would be nice if in addition to there being 100+ new Pokemon, some of them are new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon. The last time we’ve had new evolutions for older Pokemon was in generation four. Yep. Gens five, six, and seven all released new Pokemon that were interesting, and even introduced the concept of “Alolan forms,” but the last time we had older Pokemon receiving new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions was a long time ago. Also, please make them look good and have good battle capabilities, Gamefreak. There will have been two years passed since the last Pokemon mainline games were released, so there’s no excuse for not having at least 100+ new Pokemon. The new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon would be a nice bonus as well.

EDIT: Just remembered thanks to xSuperMario64x that the obvious exception to this is Sylveon. However, that’s only one. How about around 10-20 new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon in gen 8? That sounds like a good number
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I hope that they improve/expand upon the breeding system, since that's one of my favorite things to do in-game but it gets tedious after a while. I also noticed in the trailer the presence of a gym, so I'm excited for gyms to make a return. The lack of gyms is one of the big things that turned me off of Sun/Moon.

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And yes, I would LOVE to see new eevee evolutions!! I was very disappointed when no new one was released for gen 7, though I'm seeing a pattern of new eeveelutions being released on the even numbered generations, so my hopes are definitely up.
Echoing what others have already said, but that reminds me that it would be nice if in addition to there being 100+ new Pokemon, some of them are new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon. The last time we’ve had new evolutions for older Pokemon was in generation four. Yep. Gens five, six, and seven all released new Pokemon that were interesting, and even introduced the concept of “Alolan forms,” but the last time we had older Pokemon receiving new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions was a long time ago. Also, please make them look good and have good battle capabilities, Gamefreak. There will have been two years passed since the last Pokemon mainline games were released, so there’s no excuse for not having at least 100+ new Pokemon. The new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon would be a nice bonus as well.

EDIT: Just remembered thanks to xSuperMario64x that the obvious exception to this is Sylveon. However, that’s only one. How about around 10-20 new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon in gen 8? That sounds like a good number

Would be nice to get a fair bit of new Pokemon, but I sadly think we're going to get a number of new Pokemon similar to generation 6 and 7, considering we're definitely getting Generation 1~7 Pokemon in the Galar regional Pokedex.

I'm guessing we're going to get about ~75.
Echoing what others have already said, but that reminds me that it would be nice if in addition to there being 100+ new Pokemon, some of them are new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon. The last time we’ve had new evolutions for older Pokemon was in generation four. Yep. Gens five, six, and seven all released new Pokemon that were interesting, and even introduced the concept of “Alolan forms,” but the last time we had older Pokemon receiving new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions was a long time ago. Also, please make them look good and have good battle capabilities, Gamefreak. There will have been two years passed since the last Pokemon mainline games were released, so there’s no excuse for not having at least 100+ new Pokemon. The new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon would be a nice bonus as well.

EDIT: Just remembered thanks to xSuperMario64x that the obvious exception to this is Sylveon. However, that’s only one. How about around 10-20 new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon in gen 8? That sounds like a good number

Can't really add any more evolutions to existing Pokemon as eviolite would make lots of them overpowered
I hope they bring back the gyms.

they already said there will be gyms...

i hope theres a good story. i hope thats its memorable as well (did usum have the same story as sm??)

yes, the story of usum, was exactly the same as sm.

I have three hopes:

- The story progression is a bit more open-ended/less linear (think Unova regions basically going in a circle for Gyms). I want to backtrack a little, man!
- A new Eeveelution (or two), preferably Poison type and/or Dragon-type.

-than back track... you can do that in unova, plenty of stuff you couldn't get to.
-dark type gym wont happen due to the dark type being pretty op ( and yes the dragon type is also a bit op, but the dark type has always been deemed to powerful to be in a gym )
-there can be eevee evolutions but don't hope for it.

I have three high hopes.

1: There to be more than 80 new Pokemon and go back to how it was before. 100+ new Pokemon.
2: A better exploration and make it where you don't forget to explore optional areas.
3: Mega Evolutions to return.

1: this could be a possibility unless they introduce either more mega evolutions and have those count as ''new'' pokemon
or they introduce an new mechanic that is similar and have that count as ''new'' pokemon.
2: you forgetting to explore is all on you buddy...
3: they will.

Echoing what others have already said, but that reminds me that it would be nice if in addition to there being 100+ new Pokemon, some of them are new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon. The last time we’ve had new evolutions for older Pokemon was in generation four. Yep. Gens five, six, and seven all released new Pokemon that were interesting, and even introduced the concept of “Alolan forms,” but the last time we had older Pokemon receiving new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions was a long time ago. Also, please make them look good and have good battle capabilities, Gamefreak. There will have been two years passed since the last Pokemon mainline games were released, so there’s no excuse for not having at least 100+ new Pokemon. The new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon would be a nice bonus as well.

EDIT: Just remembered thanks to xSuperMario64x that the obvious exception to this is Sylveon. However, that’s only one. How about around 10-20 new evolutions and/or pre-evolutions for older Pokemon in gen 8? That sounds like a good number

no body wants unnecicary evolutions to older pokemon.
besides most pokemon that got a mega evolution should've gotten a regular evolution.
and some pokemon such as tauros, skarmory, and druddigon really don't need evolutions.
or else we'll end up with only 3 stage evoution lines, and no 2 stage or stand alone pokemon, and i like that there are 2 stage evolution lines and stand alones.

plus you remember the item eviolite right ?
there will be pokemon that will become nearly unbeatable...
and that'snot fun at all... ( to fight against :p )


and now what i want :p
i just want to have a really interesting story like black and white had.
it was interesting to see that they tried to make you think of training pokemon is a bad thing.
i liked that a lot about gen 5, and black2/white2 had also a very interesting story, and i liked how everything looked.
i want that idea ''recaptured'' with a great story from b/w and the esthetics of b2/w2.

b2/w2 were so beautiful and i liked how they could fit all the little nooks and crannies is such small region, i like how it made you remember where you could *use HM* when you got *said HM* and back tracked and saw this whole area of rout 1 that you never got to see the first time around.

i do want HM moves to come back but have them be removable without the use of a move deleter.
some of the HM's such as surf, strength and waterfall are even quite powerful, so i'd hate so see them go like they tried to do in gen 7.

i want stealth rock to be a TM again...

i DON'T want to see those stupid Z-crystals make a return to gen 8, instead i want the type-gems to make a return.
the Z-crystals are just cheap... sure newer player might like them because they finally get to take 1 pokemon down from a relatively good player, but us good players don't like these for their cheapness.
the type-gems from gen 5 were pretty cool, and even though they were programmed into gen 6 you could only get the normal gem, and i'd like to see the rest return as well.

furthermore i just want to see this game be hard again.
like red blue yellow gold silver crystal platinum and black2/white2( challenge mode ) were.
or at least give us the option in the beginning.
''are you a new player or an experienced player?''
new player will get those stupid nonsense tutorial, and the ''teleportation'' to where they need to go.
experienced players will get none of that, and you just have to remember here stuff was, and find your own way.
( like they did in gen 5 and prior )
^Cba go quote you but the USUM story was not exactly the same as SM. It was bloody similar but it had the the ultra necrozma stuff with that other team

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Also they can change stats of Pokemon that They give new evolutions/pre evolutions to. Stuff like Girafarig and Dunsparce would be great with evolutions. Luvdisc, Qwilfish etc etc. Plenty of stuff could get evos, it wouldn't be a surprise.
^Cba go quote you but the USUM story was not exactly the same as SM. It was bloody similar but it had the the ultra necrozma stuff with that other team

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Also they can change stats of Pokemon that They give new evolutions/pre evolutions to. Stuff like Girafarig and Dunsparce would be great with evolutions. Luvdisc, Qwilfish etc etc. Plenty of stuff could get evos, it wouldn't be a surprise.

yes, that ultra necrozma and the pseudo- after game stuff with the other team, was the only change they made.

as i said, some pokemon are better off as stand alone pokemon
such as lufdisc, quilfish, and dunsparce.

just let pokemon be a stand alone pokemon or just a 2 stage evolutionary line.
we dont need a full pokedex of 3 stage evolutionary line and all of them having mega-evolution and all of them having region varients such as the alola forms or galar forms of whatever..
that would be stupid, and also boring
- 80 to 100+ new Pokemon would be nice
- Character customization of course
- Please bring back the PSS, or at least something similar. I hated the Festival Plaza in Sun and Moon.
It was the one reason why I didn't traded that much anymore.
- A dark type Gym. Don't care if it would be too OP, I want a challenge after all and not a kindergarten
- Lots of areas to explore (or things in general to explore)
- A good post-game, like one which needs some time to be finished
- I know this is something people wanted since Gen 6 and the chances that it will be possible
are low right now, but it would great if you could go to another region, maybe to the Kalos
region perhaps. Wasn't there a train (station?) that you couldn't used in X/Y? Since there are
railroads in Sword/Shield, maybe, just maybe, there is a option to go to Kalos with the train?
(I don't get my hopes that high for this, but who knows...)
- I hope the evolutions of the starters are good (but I don't care if Scorbunny becomes another
fire/fighter, I just care for the looks of a Pokemon at this point in general)
-than back track... you can do that in unova, plenty of stuff you couldn't get to.

I'm not talking about backtracking for new explore-able areas. That's in any Pokemon game. I'm talking about the "Okay, you got the badge, time to go east again for the next badge!" story progression being too linear... Unova literally had to go in a straight line to the Pokemon League.

-dark type gym wont happen due to the dark type being pretty op ( and yes the dragon type is also a bit op, but the dark type has always been deemed to powerful to be in a gym )

Dark is strong offensively, but it far from being overpowered. By this logic, Dragon-types should never have Gyms either.
My hopes are:

+- 75 new Pokemon from this region
+- 10- 25 new Pokemon evolutions or baby's from older Pokemon
A dark type gym
Non-lineair story telling
A lot of cute clothes options for the player to wear
No cutscenes every 20 steps
A rival that will smell me later and offers a challenge
CHALLENGE MODE as an option after your first run of the game

Getting houndour in one of the first routes (just because he is one of my favs)

Oh and I would like to see an Umbrella Pokemon because UK-based region.
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I would like the Pokemon Refresh to drop the hunger and enjoyment. If I wanted to pet and feed something, I'd be playing Nintendogs. Perhaps have a kids mode.

Make shiny breeding odds better.
Have the destiny knot on a 6 IV parent pass down all 6 stats so that when shiny breeding, you don't get a "no good" stat after you've hatched hundreds of eggs.

Improved character options, like being able to choose an older look.
We aren't all eleven years old.

Bring back the Secret Base.

Make it easier to evolve trade evolution Pokemon, for those of us that don't know anybody else that plays.

If that Rotom Dex is in the game please have an option to shut it up.

A more organized backpack.
The way it is now, with all the memory drives for Type:Null, the stones, power items, countless potions and everything else, there almost needs to be a search function instead of scrolling through all those items.
At least have compartments for each type of thing. Pokeballs are mixed in with everything else unless you're trying to catch Pokemon. Why not have the balls in their own section out of battle.

I can't think of anything else at the moment.
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100+ new Pokemon would be great! Also, if they do bring back character customization, don't let the color of clothing be version exclusive. If anything, they need to do what they did back in X and Y, but with more clothing to choose from. Would love a new Eevee evolution, so I'm looking forward to what they show as new Pokemon. Also, I didn't mind the color of hair options they had in Sun and Moon, but more colors would be nice. That's all I got for now.
i demand more bear pok?mon

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are there bears in england