Hot or iced coffee?

Hot of cold coffee?

  • Hot

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • Iced

    Votes: 25 45.5%
  • Hot and iced

    Votes: 15 27.3%
  • Somewhere in between

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • I don't drink coffee

    Votes: 7 12.7%

  • Total voters


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Jan 18, 2015
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Which one do you prefer? In the morning, I prefer hot coffee, iced coffee for the rest of the day. I also love hot coffee with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
I'll drink coffee in absolutely any format, hot or iced! I'll even drink it straight up black with no milk or anything in it. I absolutely love coffee and that'll never change. :blush:
I usually drink iced, and will drink that all year LOL
but I do like hot coffee when it's cold
i like both. lots of things determine which i will get or make, haha. time of day, temperature outside/inside, where i get it from if i'm not making it, where i'm making it if i am making it (home, work, etc.).
if i'm ordering a coffee, 95% of the time it's going to be an iced one. when i'm at home i'm more likely to drink hot coffee, mostly because ice in my house just seems to disappear before i can use it lol
It really depends on the weather and also time of day. I’ll drink iced/cold coffee in the afternoon if it is warm outside and hot coffee in the morning and winter. I really have no preference what temperature my coffee is.
I vastly prefer iced, but I drink hot coffee too since it’s easier to make at home. I’ve never had good experiences with iced coffee makers so when I can’t buy some iced coffee I just make some hot coffee instead.
Hot coffee! :coffee:

I have a strong preference for hot coffee, I drink hot coffee even when it's warm out. I really don't like iced coffee at all as the ice just waters everything down when it melts. Cold coffee drinks that come in bottles or cans with no ice are fine by me though!
I only like coffee if it is iced and doesn't taste like coffee lmao
iced coffee all day everyday year round! i overheat easily and hot drinks make me feel really warm 😭
ive only had hot coffee once and i hated it. i don't tend to like hot drinks much. iced all the way
I enjoy both, but I drink hot coffee more and drink it more often, so I went for that option in the polls. I've tried the Starbucks iced coffee they sell at stores, and it's also really good. Probably because it's loaded with sugar or something. :v