What is your favorite any holiday type of coffee?


🩵#1 Filbert Fan🩵
Sep 3, 2013
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Skull Glow Wand
Planet Glow Wand
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Snowflake Glow Wand
Pumpkin Glow Wand
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Now I know there’s gonna be a lot of PSL people coming through here and that’s OK because I do love some PSL!!! But my personal favorite is Chestnut praline from Starbucks. I also love My; can’t-wrap-presents-without-it, pecan coffee from home with Baileys and praline in it and topped with whip cream and a little bit of cinnamon!!!
The peppermint frappes they have at Starbucks around Christmas time I do remember being pretty good. Haven't ordered one in a long time though.
I don’t drink coffee bc it makes me sick, but my favorite holiday drink would be white chocolate cocoa
Oh God, any fall or Christmas latte. But also Starbucks had this ?peach sakura latte for Lunar New Year ONE year and they really should have made it a recurring seasonal.
I love gingerbread coffee, it's so good 🥰 I love starbucks, but a local coffee shop here does like. Gingerbread coffee and desserts around Christmas, and man. I spend so much there LOL
i don’t drink coffee and hardly ever visit the coffee shops during the year but always make an effort to pop in during winter when the christmas menus come out as i love the different hot chocolates they do during the season.
my favourite was a millionaires shortbread hot chocolate that one of the larger chains did quite a few years back but other then that i love the hazelnut and the chocolate orange ones.
Love pumpkin spice and always look forward to it, we dont usually go to coffee shops but I like using the pumpkin spice creamer that comes out during the fall when I make coffee in the morning. It's not just coffee though, I'll be down for anything pumpkin spice related honestly.