House of Nightmares

Does your offer still stand, Justin? :p
👻 Challenge #2 👻
What Nintendo Character Is This?

View attachment 593646

👻 The Reveal 👻

A special congratulations to Firesquids for submitting the first correct guess!
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Man of Smiles​

This mirror was created by Justin -- send your appreciation or rage towards them!

I believe this might be the first time in Mirrors history that a character has been used a second time. Honestly, this was an accident as I just forgot about the other time she was used until it was too late to reverse course, but it's probably a thing to break the idea that a character can't possibly be used twice!

Correct submissions will be accepted by myself soon, which will earn you 3 Carnival Coins. If your submission has not been accepted by late tomorrow and you believe there has been a mistake, please message me then.
Me rn:
Wow, never saw Serena in there. Still can't see Serena in there. 🤣

What i thought the character was-
View attachment 593679

So that looks like a head with red eyes and the green would be the body. No clue if it was a real character or even the right spot (nope, lol) so i guessed one from a zombie game. Haha. Oops.
I saw the red eyes too! Still not seeing Serena, I think my monitor is too old for that.

I thought it was a character from Zelda, because of the toilet, cloud, palace eyes
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I wasn't about to let Serena get the best of me again after all the emotional distress she caused me last time!
I'm feeling so grateful, that I may be willing to consider removing her from my enemy list 😌

Also, the photo I ended up with after messing with the contrast to reveal her... It... It scares me...
halloween2024-mirror-two-challenge copy.png
What do you mean for once it was an animal crossing character omgggg
thinking out the box again, i thought the fact the other character was sitting on a toliet, that the game the characetr was from meant the game wasnt very well liked.
Challenge 3
As you wonder the halls of the Haunted Carnival, you smell something familiar coming from a nearby house. Eventually, you find yourself back at the Mouse of Nightmares' front door lured in by the familiar smell of..... Sonic the Hedgehog:

👻 Challenge #3 👻
What Nintendo Character Is This?

Guess before Oct 28th 5:30PM EDT!


👻 How to Play 👻

Each challenge is an image obscuring a secret Nintendo character -- your job is to investigate the image and correctly guess what Nintendo character is hiding within!

To participate in the event and submit your answer to the current challenge, create a thread in the House of Nightmares Submissions board with the following information:
  • Your Guess: Enter your answer to the current mirror challenge!
  • Round: Select the current challenge #, listed above each mirror.
The thread title and message can be anything you want -- it doesn't matter as we will only be using the 'Your Guess' field for your answer. If you provide your answer in the title or message and not the Your Guess field... it won't count! DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR ANSWER IN THIS THREAD!