How big of an impact had AC had on your life?

A great impact. It's given something for me to do over the summer and always has something to look forward to. It kind of helped me through some times when I didn't really have a lot of people to talk to.
I want to say it hasn't other than being a fun boredom buster, but that's not quite true.

I left a Hogmanay house party I wasn't enjoying when I was 16 to go home and see the New Year in with my villagers in Animal Crossing.

In Wild World, I'd wander around so I didn't feel lonely late at night when I was suffering from isolating mental illness problems.

With New Leaf, I went to an almost-out-of-town shopping centre on launch day with a bunch of friends who I'd been getting hyped about it with for weeks. For some, it was their first Animal Crossing game. I had pretty major, life-changing surgery three days later and playing New Leaf let me socialise with my friends and have something social to do while I was lying in bed recovering for a few weeks. While my friend groups have since changed, I can meet up with friends from all over the world during the evenings and go play games with them. It's made me feel more connected.
I would say that Animal Crossing had a big impact in my life. I'm now a fan of this franchise for ~10 years and it kinda became part of my life. It's like that little fantasy world you can build up in the way you want it and brings so much joy, happy and funny moments. I must say I'm glad that I started to play AC back then, otherwise I would have missed out on so much.
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