How did you come up with your City Folk name?

Dylan is my name as you can probably guess.
Horizon is because I was playing another game with a town called Fisherman's Horizon, and I couldn't fit Fisherman in so Horizon was the result.
Yetiman15 is a brawl joke I made with my friends and 15 is my favorite number.
ryudo_dragoon is due to three things...
Breath of Fire 3, Legend of the Dragoon, and Grandia 2.
So I use it as a name, always have on all my games since Grandia 2.
Lowercase and _ are because it's easier to remember and I used that on my Email.
Lavendez... I was playing pokemon earlier that day, and thought what would be a good name... I thought Lavender and decided on Lavendez, in the original AC I used a thunder symbol for z.
It's been my town name each game.
Courtnee - thats my name :/
Little C - I didn't want another town called Little T, so I put Little C. C came from City
well i had sean for my name which is my name

and fontana for my town which is my last name
Christos-Mine name because its my real name (the names Greek, cause im half greek :p)
Fun Town- becuz iz FUN :D (kinda)
danny 330 because 3/30 is my birthday and danny is my real name. i think lilypad got her name from our dog lily
Hal-Because Hes a Person I made Up and London because I found London To be some what normal and inviting,and it sounds like a place where theres coffee!:D
IceZtar- I was thinking of doing DarkStar but then i changed it to IceStar and I replaced the 's' with a 'z' making IceZtar
Treetop-Its my WW and LGTTC because there are trees and i thought of top making Treetop! By the way i didn't know it was a spyro level when i made it!
Stucky - It was my nickname when i was like 8 or something...
I use Callum because it my real name and Ant-ville because Anthony is my middle name and I just took the 1st 3 letters out of that.
Also Callum1064 because Callum (see above) and 1064 is just something randomly thought up
Carlos - Real name
Shogun - A friend of mine told me to put that name, which I really like now.
Wow you guys have like awesome names.
Name ben 'cos, well, that's me name
And babel because it was my WW town name and I've always been fascinated with the story of the city of babel :D
on name william is my real name and the town name of amity is cause i was watching the movie jaws the night b4 i bought this

and online tails has just been my nickname forever because 1 im always player 2 and 2 he's rather smart
SAMwich - Link made it up :D

Sam - It's sort of my name...

PitFall - Well pitfalls are awesome and so is my town :p
Miranda is my real name, mirandi is one of my nicknames and Arcadia b/c at the time I was playing this my cousin was also watching re-runs of Joan of Arcadia...and I just named it that, kinda wish I hadn't now though, I have so many better town names...
well my brother (bellhunter) thought about the town name:pittfall
my name is karen so thats my ac name.
my profile:cause i like dogs and know alot about them.