How did you find out about Animal Crossing?

omfg it was so long ago like i was five or s/t and i went into my brother's room and this game was on his gamecube and i started messing with the controls and omfg
My friend and my cousin both had AC:WW. They both let me play their characters and I loved it!
Now I have all 3 versions, and I can't wait until the 3DS!!!
I went to the flea market one day and there was this booth with some video games that I would always check out, and I saw Animal Crossing for the Gamecube, and it looked so cool that I had to get it XD.

Let me see... there's a date on it. 12/16/07 $15
The gamecube version had just come out, and I saw it at toys r us and looked at the back of the box. and since I was a hardcore Harvest Moon fan, the similarities got me to buy it.
I started out with the gamecube version after spending the night at a friend's house and playing it on his console. After that first night of playing it, I was addicted. Then the following Christmas I got the game myself. I almost exploded I was so happy! After that, when Wild World came out, I bought it (but I was VERY disappointed that there were no holidays like Christmas), and then when City Folk came out, I also got it for Christmas. It's kinda funny now that I think about it....Every Animal Crossing game I got for Christmas. But, since the 3DS version is rumored to be out over the summer, it looks like I will get it for my birthday instead.
My dad used to play it all the time and I used to watch him. He practically let me take control of what he did, like making the patterns and naming them (after my best friend xD) and I would help him decorate his house. Then one day, I decided I would play it myself, and ever since then I've loved the series. Population Growing was the first ever game I played, that's why Animal Crossing has always been quite special to me. <3
I found it on a game exchange site that I used to be a part of for the Gamecube. Got the game and got hooked almost immediately. I remember the first time Groundhog day we had the game I had my kids sitting on my bed waiting for something to happen with it because we wanted to find out what would happen...we had the game for about a week at the time :D

Ever since, we've been hooked, getting City Folk then Wild World. My youngest and I are anxiously awaiting the 3DS version (we will each get our own copy :D)
I love all these stories!

Here's mine
I can't remember it all clearly but one day my older brother told me about Animal Crossing: Wild World and it sounded so exiting that i was hooked just from hearing about it. Then i think about a month later my brother was going to buy metroid prime hunters and so i tried to get him in trouble by telling my mom it was a shooting game XD so that way he'd have to change his mind about getting metroid so that way he'd have to get Animal Crossing Wild World (i used to be so mean XD). I could hardly wait for my parents to return from the store with the game. And when they finally did return, my brother played it at it looked like so much fun! but i wasn't able to play that day cause it was getting late. And when i did finally get my hands on it i was officially hooked.
After playing for years the game finally broke from being hacked... i was super sad. Then Like 5 months later City Folk was announced! I begged my parents for it (along with a Wii) and they said no. And about 1 month after its release my parents called me up to their room, and i thought i was in trouble but it turned out they had a surprise waiting! And it was a Wii along with Wii Sports!! everyone in my family knew about it except for me my older brother and my little siblings(i have many family members XD) Then i think the next day my brother asked for Mario Kart Wii & My mom ordered it! Then the day after, one of my other brothers kinda gave it away that my mom got... Animal Crossing City Folk! i was almost out of breath! ROFL! I played it for awhile then got bored of it after a year, I left the game sitting for another year and then decided to start playing it again (October 2010). I restarted cause my brother said they wont start playing again if the town didn't get rebuilt. When i started the new town not a day went by where i didn't play... infact i played for 7 hours+ everyday ._. until January 1st 2012 when my game broke... ... ... ... ... I'm very sad that i'm not able to play again but im hoping my parents will get me Animal Crossing 3DS! It would be super funny if animal crossing 3DS came out in 5 months. And in exactly 5 months it would be my birthday! Also later on my brother did manage to get Metriod Prime Hunters (which i loved)

Wow what a long post! sorry if its too much!
My friend begged me to get it so I could play it online with her. But I think I played the game more than she even did... hehe :cool:
My story

I was at the video game rental store there was nothing else to play so I just decided to give animal crossing (game cube) a try
so I rented it then I played it then the next thing I knew I re rented it 5 times was hooked decided to buy it played from like March to December.
Well it was one of the first games I got for my DS. My brother got it for me and I absolutely loved it
I saw an add for the DS on tv once, with a promo at the end for WW. It didn't have a trailer at the time, so I just thought it was some stupid game about helping animals cross the road (i know wtf). A few months later I saw one of the trailers, knew I had to get it, loved animal crossing ever since
a Friend back in 2006 on Metroid Prime Hunters told me to buy Wild World. After that it it took off. I got interested and picked up a copy for GameCube, and just last chirstmas my sisters got a Wii for christmas, so I went to gamestop and bought them City Folk as a christmas gift for their Wii. :D

Did I mention I heard back in 2010 that there was gonna be a AC game for the new Nintendo 3DS? Well, I did, and that is why I am here now.
My older brother showed me Animal Crossing that very moment I was amazed and fell in love with it xD
My story's pretty short!

I got a Gamecube for my 8th birthday, December 2nd. My uncle got my StarFox Adventures as well. For Christmas that year, our uncle got us (me, my brother and sister) each a Gamecube game! He got my sister Luigi's Mansion (<3), my brother a Hot Wheels game (he got mad and threw it away, lol xD) and me, Animal Crossing.

I remember when I first played it, I had no idea what I was doing! Rover asked me where I was going, and I just put "Home" (I must have been smart, I put it with a capital, as well as my name!) and continued. After, I was just HOOKED. I remember playing it every single day...and I feel my eyes tearing up a bit writing this up. I still have that town now, and I'm going to be 18 in December. That town...I will always have it.

And of course, I bought every game after. I remember stomping and crying when my brother got Super Mario 64 DS with his first Nintendo DS, in stead of ACWW. He ended up getting it, and I stole it every day when he wasn't playing it. >: )
Sadly, he doesn't really like Nintendo anymore, and has moved onto CoD and such. Sad thing, he's only going to be 15 in August...oh well.

In December, a few days before Christmas, my uncle passed away from Pancreatic Cancer. And I can't thank him enough...thank him for one of the best things that happened in my life. And that Animal Crossing. :)

My story's pretty short!

I got a Gamecube for my 8th birthday, December 2nd. My uncle got my StarFox Adventures as well. For Christmas that year, our uncle got us (me, my brother and sister) each a Gamecube game! He got my sister Luigi's Mansion (<3), my brother a Hot Wheels game (he got mad and threw it away, lol xD) and me, Animal Crossing.

I remember when I first played it, I had no idea what I was doing! Rover asked me where I was going, and I just put "Home" (I must have been smart, I put it with a capital, as well as my name!) and continued. After, I was just HOOKED. I remember playing it every single day...and I feel my eyes tearing up a bit writing this up. I still have that town now, and I'm going to be 18 in December. That town...I will always have it.

And of course, I bought every game after. I remember stomping and crying when my brother got Super Mario 64 DS with his first Nintendo DS, in stead of ACWW. He ended up getting it, and I stole it every day when he wasn't playing it. >: )
Sadly, he doesn't really like Nintendo anymore, and has moved onto CoD and such. Sad thing, he's only going to be 15 in August...oh well.

In December, a few days before Christmas, my uncle passed away from Pancreatic Cancer. And I can't thank him enough...thank him for one of the best things that happened in my life. And that Animal Crossing. :)


Wow, beautiful, just beautiful. I am sorry to hear about your uncle and brother, such a shame.

My memory is a bit fuzzy, but here is how it went:

When I moved upstate, I always went to my neighbor's house after school. We always used to play Super Smash Bros Melee. It was Christmas and I must have just turned anywhere from 3 - 6 (so late 2003 - 2005) when I got my first system, the magnificent Gamecube. It came with Mariokart: Double Dash and a Star Wars game. not long after Christmas (maybe one or two days later) I picked up Super Smash Bros Melee. In January, I had some Christmas money to spend, so I spent it on: Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Star Fox Adventures, a Lego Star Wars game, and Animal Crossing. I loved it, it was my favorite Gamecube game next to Mariokart and Smash Bros (those two will always hold a special place in my heart as they were my very first video games).

When the DS came out, I got a lot of DS games and of course, Animal Crossing: Wild World, which was when I really got into the series. As you can see, the story goes on. if you have read my bio, you can see I have many other system, I actually got them later in life along with many of the great games that were on those newer and older systems, and even though I love those systems, the one that holds an extremely special place in my heart is my Gamecube, it got me past some really tough times (as did the rest of my systems, but I was really young so those events traumatized me more than they would now). One was when my grandmother died, which was right around the time not long after I got my Gamecube.