How did you find out about Animal Crossing?

Well, my story:

I was six and saw the game in a guide for games, saw what you can do in the game, and me and my brother bought it.
First I didn't understand it, and a year was passed by and I still hadn't worked for Tom Nook. Then, in 2008, I was 9 and could speak English since I was 8 years old (I'm Dutch). It was a lot funnier when I understood everything and now I've got the Gamecube, DS and Wii version, but don't play the DS version very much.
I remember my cousin playing AC on the Gamecube. After my brother and I saw it we fell in love with it. I remember my brother telling me about the changing time and weather and how it corresponded with the real world while pointing at the back of the game case where I saw KK. I remember the first time I got a statue after paying of my house, and than crying when the bell cheat wouldn't work...I also remember the day my Dad got me the DS Lite with Animal Crossing Wild World, good times.
Wow, beautiful, just beautiful. I am sorry to hear about your uncle and brother, such a shame.

My memory is a bit fuzzy, but here is how it went:

When I moved upstate, I always went to my neighbor's house after school. We always used to play Super Smash Bros Melee. It was Christmas and I must have just turned anywhere from 3 - 6 (so late 2003 - 2005) when I got my first system, the magnificent Gamecube. It came with Mariokart: Double Dash and a Star Wars game. not long after Christmas (maybe one or two days later) I picked up Super Smash Bros Melee. In January, I had some Christmas money to spend, so I spent it on: Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, Star Fox Adventures, a Lego Star Wars game, and Animal Crossing. I loved it, it was my favorite Gamecube game next to Mariokart and Smash Bros (those two will always hold a special place in my heart as they were my very first video games).

When the DS came out, I got a lot of DS games and of course, Animal Crossing: Wild World, which was when I really got into the series. As you can see, the story goes on. if you have read my bio, you can see I have many other system, I actually got them later in life along with many of the great games that were on those newer and older systems, and even though I love those systems, the one that holds an extremely special place in my heart is my Gamecube, it got me past some really tough times (as did the rest of my systems, but I was really young so those events traumatized me more than they would now). One was when my grandmother died, which was right around the time not long after I got my Gamecube.

Thank you. Your story is quite touching as well. :) :blush:
My best friend bought WW when it was first released and urged me to buy it too. So I did, and we were both hooked for years. We'd visit each other's towns and compare our houses. I miss those times :(
Well, the first glimpse I got of Animal Crossing was the original one for the gamecube when I was 12 when I was at my friend's house. She never said what the game was called, but I know now looking back that it definitely was the original AC. But when I finally bought the original DS, AC:WW was my first game. I eventually picked up the gamecube version as well shortly afterwards. So no one actually told me about it, but I was just drawn to it when I saw the game. It was love at first sight. :p
I remember watching my friend on the bus in elementary playing it and i thought it looked so cute! I never knew what the game was called though. Then a year later when i got my first DS i saw a game at toysrus with familiar looking characters as the game my friend played, so bought it. And that's when i started getting addicted.
well, i first got it on my ds memory card but it got lost for so much time i forgot about it. but i started remembering little by little then i saw city folk in kmart then i tottaly remembered then i got wild world
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I found out by having an R4 when I was way younger. That was the first time I played Harvest Moon DS and Wild World. I got City Folk as well.
When I was 6 my next-door neighbour had WW, she let me borrow it for a while and I really got into it! I even finished the museum. I had borrowed it for about a year, checking her profile every now and then to make sure her character had got mail ect. I also payed off the mortgage and decorated the other floors that she hadn't touched. The house was truly amazing.

Anyway, eventually my pesky brother got hold of the game and made his own profile, thus destroying the house and town. He chopped all the trees down and left fruit everywhere. He wrecked the house, filling it with tacky decor.

When my neighbour asked for her game back, I had no idea that my brother had changed the town or house. But I swear, I think I heard her scream from inside my house. But, she's forgave me and all's well.

Sorry for you non-long readers.
My cousin tried to explain to me what animal crossing for gamecube, but I didn't really understand at all. A few years later, when I got my first DS, I got a used Animal Crossing with it. Since it was used, there was still an old file on it. I tried playing with it but didn't understand it AT ALL. I eventually ended up in my house and accidentally picked up the furniture. That confused me even more, but somehow I ended up restarted the game. After that I understood everything.
I saw a commercial for it and one of my friends said it was really fun so I went out and bought it.

And here I am... 6 years later still loving this game o_O
My ants and uncle told me about Animal Crossing PG for the GameCube, Then I tried that and I fell-in love that game forever. Then I heard about WW from a few cousins! Fell in love with that also. I had a huge house. (mansion) then I was tired of it then deleted my town and started all over from the first start, Then also got back too a huge house. Then I heard about accf from ants and uncles also I've had this game for a long time now I'm still in love with this game I always will be :)
Oh! my thread is popular! isn't that something!
Overall, thanks for sharing your stories!
I saw the game on a magazine and it was close to Christmas but,I didn't have a Wii so.I wanted a wii so my grandfather got me a wii and he got animal crossing city folk.Then my friend had animal crossing wild world so I told my grandmother about it and she bought me animal crossing wild world
I went shopping with my mother once and I started looking around the store and I found Animal Crossing Game Cube. It seemed nice so I bought it, and then later I got Animal Crossing City Folk when I was trying to buy this other game, and finally I get Wild World.
Back when Wild World first came out, one of my friends go it and played it at school a lot. It got me and a another friend playing, and addicted. I've been a hardcore fan ever since! It's actually funny introducing friends to the series, because I name their villagers as they run around, and it freaks them out! xD