How did you find TBT

Same for me. I was always googling questions I had about New Leaf and this site popped up more than any other. The people on here seemed to always have the best answers, so I lurked for a while before joining.
i googled a NL question a few years ago, i think, and was directed to one of the threads on here. this was back when the site had the old format and the town gif signatures with pixel villagers were all the rage. i really wanted a set of my own but was too anxious to join the site and didn't understand the pricing (since it was in TBT) anyway so i just made them myself in photoshop lmao. i'm not sure how i rediscovered the site again when i signed up last year though. i must've googled a NH question or something.
Honestly I don't remember how I found this site exactly. It may have been through an affiliate button from the site I was obsessed with previous to TBT back in 2013.
I have no idea to be honest; maybe google since I wanted the 7-11 set and other stuff that I may have searched to find ways to obtain. I am grateful I found it regardless how I found it. This community is the greatest and the events are so fun 😊. This community has helped me get out of my shell :).
Like others, I found it through googling a couple of questions I had for NH, and I also wanted to trade for some items lol.
I don’t remember exactly, but like others have said, I probably found it googling up stuff for New Leaf back in the day. This place is the absolute greatest. Everyone is so friendly and the events are the best. 😊
I picked up ACNL back in 2013 and searched for Animal Crossing forums, and joined this one. Really glad it was this one I joined and not a different one...
I’ve been playing AC since Wild World but only discovered TBT in the few years. I definitely lurked for awhile before officially joining. I found it from google while searching for upcoming New Horizons info. Super glad I did! 😊
I was searching for a NL qr code and this showed up in the google search results a couple years ago. Didn't join until recently though :)
I wanted to trade duplicate amiibo cards, and I probably either googled where to directly or a reddit post that named TBT a trustworthy resource for doing so.
i needed items for new leaf. i looked everywhere for those region exclusive items, tumblr and reddit but i couldn’t get my hands on them, i found this forum from google and made a thread looking to buy those items. nobody replied to my thread but i eventually got my items, i don’t know why i stuck around but maybe it was because all the shops on nook’s cranny and how i could easily obtain items from them.
I had to think about this, because I actually realized the answer for me is not very straightforward (well, it is, but there's 3 different ways my answer can go, so I'll just list all 3).

The first "main" time I would've found out about TBT was actually way back in 2006 through it being advertised on other forums I was on at that time. I'm not going to try and think about why I didn't join too deeply, my best guess is I just wasn't wanting to join an AC-focused forum, but I'm glad I didn't because I was a mess back then. ...I've been on the internet way too long.

The second "main" time was 2015, where at this point I was aware of TBT's existence for awhile, but I never really looked at nor joined the forums. However, the majority of people I ended up being grouped with for an internet team competition ended up being from TBT, so that pushed me to sign up on the forums. That said, I never used my account back then despite signing up, lol.

The third and final "main" time, wherein I actually began using TBT, was last year (April 2020), where after NH came out, Google led me to AC World, which led me to TBT, where I remembered I had an account and actually began using it.
I feel like I had an account here years and years and years ago but I have absolutely no idea whether I dreamt that, hallucinated it or whether it’s real lol!

I came across this site after purchasing NL and a 3DS - I’d been out of touch with the game for about 6/7 years so missed out on a lot! I always loved forums and remember I used to be on a tamagotchi forum, so I just googled β€œanimal crossing forum” and this was one of the first results 😊 the rest is history! I really only used to hop on sparsely when I played NL to find items or villagers, but when NH was announced that’s when I really became active again. Although I don’t play NH that frequently, I have fallen in love with this forum and all of its lovely members which is why I come back daily!
i honestly,, don’t remember at all LOL. it’s likely that i heard about it through gamefaqs (the trading platform that i used at the time) or maybe even through ACC but i’m not really sure. πŸ˜…
i also have no recollection of how i found it haha. i've gone all the way back to my first messages on here and i just seemed to be entering giveaways and commenting on threads so i can only assume i found it through googling? or maybe i saw a link on tumblr to the forum