If I'm in UK I'm GMT :3
If I'm in UK I'm GMT :3
That and a pokeball!i hope the whole egg hunt is systematic and not all-at-once. please.
im aiming for the white feather equivalent egg.
i dont even know what gmt means. the things like gmt -4 gmt -6 confuses me so much, so i just say my timezone, which used to be est, but now its edt i think. idrk
Wait yeah?! Maybe its like last year a scavenger hunt with hints and stuffUhhh I don't wanna sound stupid or anything but what do you do? Find eggs on threads? o_0
There are 3 hidden in this thread, you have to look at all the posts really close to find them though!
I found one of them on page 4 but I can't find the others!