how do I get eggs?

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i hope the whole egg hunt is systematic and not all-at-once. please.

im aiming for the white feather equivalent egg.
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If I'm in UK I'm GMT :3

Nope. Scroll down the page, tbt will tell you you're on gmt+1
There was a recent change of time, we added an hour, which means people who were gmt became gmt+1, and I was gmt+1 and became gmt+2
i dont even know what gmt means. the things like gmt -4 gmt -6 confuses me so much, so i just say my timezone, which used to be est, but now its edt i think. idrk

Go search up "Greenwich Meantime" on Google. The time will show up. Now either add +_ hours or -_hours to match it with your time.
For example :
The time now for GMT is 2:30 pm.

My time here is 10:30 pm.

So I add 8 hours to GMT.
Therefore My timezone is GMT+8
Uhhh I don't wanna sound stupid or anything but what do you do? Find eggs on threads? o_0
Uhhh I don't wanna sound stupid or anything but what do you do? Find eggs on threads? o_0
Wait yeah?! Maybe its like last year a scavenger hunt with hints and stuff
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And I say ...

To celebrate this event, and eggs ... we replace the old collectibles shop! :rolleyes:

Ainsss ... dreaming is free (double lol) ;)
I will miss about half an hour of it,
so yeah
~ ill probably miss everything.
There are 3 hidden in this thread, you have to look at all the posts really close to find them though!
Ha it havent even started yet dont listen to the trolls :p but I think I am going to change today :eek: beware thr weretroll trololololooo
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Sorry, I was just hinting to read the thread :p

The event doesn't start for another half hour. To be honest, I don't even know how it works.
Eggs aren't out yet. When the event starts we will all know the nature of the event and what we are supposed to be doing to participate, so just wait a little while longer :)
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