How do I get more hyrbid flowers from one?


In Colorado, under my cats rule.
Jan 21, 2023
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Friday the 13th Candy
Blue Balloon
Red Heart Balloon
Rad Balloon
Fresh Balloon
Purple Violet
Sweet Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Orange Balloon
I have searched and couldn't find anything in the forum (I found a lot of flower giveaways and trading threads).

I don't want to get too complicated in the process, if possible, but recently a friend visited my island and they asked if I had any purple hyacinths. Since hyacinths are my native flower, and I haven't tended to them on my cliffs hardly at all, I have all sorts of colors. But today I noticed I have one single purple hyacinth.

How do I get more of them, from that single one? I know the process is usually complex. I assume I can't just move it somewhere alone and water it?
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By the way, if there is a thread dedicated to aanswering this already, I apologize. I tried to search first, but probably didn't use the correct wording to find what I was looking for.
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If you leave the flower in an area by itself and water it every day, the flower will eventually clone itself. It can take a while though.

Thank you! I thought I had to have more than one together to get more, or something even more complicated!

I have so many other colors of hyacinths. I was surprised to see a purple one pop up.
Also, when the "rainy season" occurs, you don't even have to water them. Just give them room to multiply and let the rain take care of watering them.

It does rain in march/april, but i think May is way more rain. By more, I mean it could rain every day for weeks. Lots more rain, and soooo many flowers multiplying everywhere.
Also, when the "rainy season" occurs, you don't even have to water them. Just give them room to multiply and let the rain take care of watering them.

It does rain in march/april, but i think May is way more rain. By more, I mean it could rain every day for weeks. Lots more rain, and soooo many flowers multiplying everywhere.

What you just said is why a third of my island is covered in Hyacinths. But, again, only one purple Hyacinth that whole time.
The best explanation for how hybrid flowers appear I’ve heard is to think of the two that you want to be the source flowers be right next to each other and then imagine a 3x3 or 4x4 square surrounding those flowers which are in the exact center of the square and the results of the breeding will grow there
To answer the "how did I get a purple" question, your red and yellow's bred together to make orange, and your orange bred together to make the purple. As others have said, if you isolate the flower and tend to it, it'll eventually clone itself- but if you have any oranges, putting those next to each other and tending should also help!!
