How do you cope with anxiety?


Sep 20, 2013
Just a simple question. How do you cope with anxiety? I normally find myself watching motivational speeches on YouTube or listening to music. I have been binge-watching motivational speeches on YouTube and they are actually interesting.
I actually have been using animal crossing since I developed anxiety to help with it (but I played it before too!)... I hate not being in control but on AC I am in complete control and it really eases my fears for a while
Ok, maybe some real advice? lol

I like playing soothing games! Stardew Valley puts me at ease, but I even like pretty phone games like Fern Flower, Alto's adventure and I love hue
Even stuff like the Cooking Mama series are nice

Painting is super relaxing, even just doing random lame stuff instead of 'real art'

Sometimes I watch vine compilations until like 2am to make myself feel better lmao

But mainly I go for games and such that take my attention off of my worries. I have super bad health anxiety, so I find myself dealing with it a lot

Hope you find an outlet that helps you!!
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If I find it hard to breathe or my chest starts to feel weird, then I focus on calming that first. This is mostly done with guided meditation or listening to some calming music.

If I am at home, I distract my mind with a hobby until I'm ready to face the problem again. But yeah, it's a weary constant tug-of-war with mind. Recently, I downloaded Woebot which is an app where people chat with a robot in order to analyze and challenge their anxiety. I think that it uses cognitive behavioral therapy. It's too early to tell if this app actually helps but maybe you can give it a try. If not, then some other app.
Find busy work, clean, or play a game intensively. Pizza always cheers me up too, so there's that.
I just try to keep myself busy doing stuff like housework, cleaning, baking, listen to music, playing video games or going for a long walk etc.
Burst into tears in front of the whole class and run out crying somebody help me

But when I'm not in unfortunate situations like that, I try to listen to some uplifting music, talk to a friend, watch YouTube, or do literally anything to distract myself from whatever I'm anxious about
Playing relaxing Nintendo games always helps me a lot, also listening to all kinds of music^^
Sometimes I just make myself a cup of hot chocolate or tea and relax in bed trying to calm down.
Most of the time, reading helps me a lot, or also trying to improving my language skills or looking at memes distracts me.^^
That may sound weird, but aggressive music (like scarlxrd) is helping me a lot to relax..
and if I need to go outside I mainly think about how proud my boyfriend will be,
that I went to shop alone, etc. and it will calm me a bit.
Besides reading books, playing video games, and spending time with loved ones, I see a therapist on a regular basis. I don't want to have a third mental breakdown. Not fun.
Easy. I don't.

Just realize someone has already said this. My anxiety isn't handling this well.
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Like many other's here I don't. I just let it stir in me until I pop bc someone pushes me over the edge and I shut down :')

not a healthy thing yall 0/10 do not recommend
I either read a good book or go out and play basketball. Both are the best ways to help me relax. Well, that and cuddling with my kitten Cora. haha