How do you deal with a sick/dying pet?


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2017
May Birthstone (Emerald)
New Leaf Token
Green Candy
(Warning: This may be an upsetting read for some.)

I guess this is a weird place to look for support but I'm really upset.

My cat's been unwell lately and now he's refusing to eat. He's 15 and I've had him since I was 9. I know he's kind of old but he's part Maine Coone and they usually live a long time. He's been healthy almost all his life and I've never had to deal with a sick pet, or have to face the idea of losing him.

Does anyone have advice on dealing with a cat who won't eat? Or preparing one's self for the inevitable? I'm scared we'll have to start force feeding him or put him on a feeding tube, otherwise we might lose him.
You should take him to the vet if he is sick and you don't know what to do.

We've taken him in a couple of times now. We've tried the stuff the vet suggested and I'll hopefully be taking him in again tomorrow. Unfortunately the vet is closed today thanks to labour day.
I would say look at the happiness of the pets life. I take great pride in caring for my pets and know they have very happy lives. When the time comes for me to say goodbye, I know that they had extremely happy and comfortable lives. While this is not really my judgement call to make, if your cat doesn't want to eat it is likely that forcing him to eat would be an extremely traumatic and painful experience for him. However hopefully this is just a little bug, and he'll pull through. Sending best wishes your way, I know this is a very hard time :-(
We've taken him in a couple of times now. We've tried the stuff the vet suggested and I'll hopefully be taking him in again tomorrow. Unfortunately the vet is closed today thanks to labour day.
Well all you can really do for now is wait and keep following the vet's instruction and see if he improves. Maybe try to find different types of food he will try in the meantime if he isn't eating normally.
Thank you both. Hopefully I'll get him in tomorrow and we can figure out a way to help him.
My condolences, this situation is never easy to deal with and is even harder to try to help with. I'm glad you're taking care of your babby, it sounds like you cherish your cat dearly. Sometimes, though, animals will tell you when it's time for them to go. Not eating is one, losing weight, lethargy, plus many others are signs that your animal is suffering. I'm always a supporter of do what's best for your pet, and sometimes that's letting go. It is never easy, and you'll miss them, but if you don't have the money to spend on a series of tests and possible surgeries to try and help them, the best thing is to let them rest. Your cat knows you love him, this goes without saying. Spend the rest of your days with him, spoil him as much as possible, and let him relax. The coming days will be harder for you than him.

If your vets office does paw impressions, I think it'd be a good idea to get one of his front paws. It helps to have a piece of him to look at and remember the love and friendship you have.
in the past, i'd cry and cry and myself so much whenever one of my hamsters die but now i just kinda move on quickly. i used to have 6 hamsters and when the first one passed away i remember i wept a lot and went into a depressive state for a while and it was the same for the rest until my 4th hamster passed away. i just kinda accepted it with a little bit of crying of course but not as much just a week or two ago my another of my hamsters died again and this time i didnt cry at all and just moved on fast. not because she didnt mean much because im just used to pets passing away. i still miss every one of them though.
My biggest advice is prepare yourself for the worst. Don't be afraid to cry and grieve either. There is no limit for grief or for how long you can grieve for.

As cruel as that may sound, I found it was the best way for my heart to feel and heal. I went through the similar situation, and it was hard when we had to put her down.

My cat got sick, same thing. Totally stopped eating. The vet gave her an IV for a few days and she got better... For a while. We we're gifted with another year with her before we had to put her down. It was the best decision for her.