How do you feel about sharing cups?

I enjoy sharing with others, especially since it lets me try new things without risking my money on them.

However, if a cup is offered to me, I'll usually drink from the side of the cup. Likewise, I prefer others to not drink from my straw (unless they're my significant other), but I don't really pay attention enough to know if most people do that, since I never specifically ask them to. :0

edit: after reading I just realized my caveat... I will never share with children hahaha. backwash grosses me out
Never really shared with anyone. If someone really needs a drink, I will give mine, but they can keep it at that point. Some people don't have the best hygienic. And I really don't want to be drinking from the same cup/bottle/whatever after that.

I do remember one time at a reenactment event someone was getting close to heat exhaustion or something. Looked like they were ready to fall out. So I gave them my canteen of water. Mmm tin flavored water. I went through the rest of the battle without anything to drink. Was humid, nasty, and 90 but heat index felt like 100. Add wool and 20 pounds of gear. It was awful lol.
I have no problems when it comes to my husband or my mother. Other people? No way...
I only share cups with my girlfriend. I don't even share drinks with family members, nevermind friends. With my girlfriend I figure it's fair game since we kiss anyways so it's basically the same thing when sharing drinks. I will share things like nachos with my friends, or I don't mind tearing off one piece of a muffin to give to them, but I don't feel comfortable sharing like. Soup. Or multiple pieces of a muffin. I don't want their germs on my food 😪
It’s a big no can do. I get sick way too easy, my immune system is really weak. It doesn’t matter who either, including family. 🫤
i honestly don't care lmao. i mostly only allow REALLY CLOSE friends and family to drink from my cup. i'm much more cautious nowadays though, especially during covid and monkeypox.