I have SAD, so I really really hate it I can't disassociate winter from feeling tired, anxious, brain foggy and demotivated. Not to mention I have a very low tolerance for cold, and slush is disgusting, and shovelling is no fun.
I actually used to love winter, but the older I get and working a full time job, I realize how much I really don't like it. My energy levels are at an all time low which makes it hard to function and enjoy the things I want to be doing. I also get eczema on the back of my hand due to the cold air that dries out my skin. I live in Ohio so road conditions are also another annoyance of it. Snow is really beautiful to look at, but most of the time the sun is reflecting so bright off of it that I can't even do that. So yeah... winter gets a thumbs down from me. I love having different seasons, but it almost doesn't seem worth it since I always feel so run down and depressed during it.
I adore winter. Where I live, it is the overall nicest time of the year (maybe alongside late autumn). Sure, sometimes you might have to throw on a jacket, but I mean, that's vastly preferable to the heat where you literally can't do anything to alleviate it aside from staying inside in the air conditioner.
I'm bizarre in that autumn and winter make me happy while spring and summer make me depressed and sap all of the energy out of me. Literally, cool/chilly weather gives me energy. Even being indoors, when it is warm/hot outside I feel miserable, but when it gets chilly outside it feels so delightful in the house. I can't describe it. It's just an amazing feeling.
Late autumn and winter are the time where I actually enjoy being outside the most and get the most exercising done. This is also due to how I have a very low tolerance for the sun and heat. It's much lower when spending any time outside walking. Another draw to being outdoors during the winter is the lack of insects. I can not stand insects. They freak me out, and they're also super annoying, always flying in your face or flying around your ears. They irritate me so much! During the winter I can go outside and have peace.
Peace... That's a good word to describe the winter, for not only are the insects burrowed down into whatever hell they come from, severe thunderstorms and tornadoes are rare.
(Although, this December has failed me on all counts. It's been in the 60s and 70s something like 75% of daytime highs, the bugs have not gone away, and severe thunderstorms and tornadoes have hit areas so hard. This is not what winter is supposed to be like. Something is very very wrong.) Winter is my reprieve from the misery of spring and summer. I can not even describe how much this failure of a December has messed with my mood.
Where I live spring, winter and autumn is pretty much the same.. Cold, rain, dark. It sucks. I love snow, but well that doesn't exist here, or very very rarely. Let's say I do like winter, but only when there is actually snow outside. I don't like when it's just cold, that's boring.
I prefer having my ac over winter season, I liked it before, but now not really since in winter its flu season and some can get sick easily sometimes because of the bacteria favoring cold air
Cold weather can be annoying but I love when it snows. But I haven't lived in a place that snows since 2011 Winter where I live now barely gets cold and lasts like a month, if that.
I'm an Arizona native, so I've never experienced snowy winters. I don't think I'd like the snow. It seems fun to drive up north a few hours and visit, but I wouldn't want the inconvenience of dealing with it on a daily basis. I do love winter though because it's finally not blazing hot out. Low 70s is my ideal temperature and I'd rather be too cold than too hot because I like loose, warm clothing. The tower fan in my room is on year round... lol!
I don't like the cold and snow gets dirty on the second day, which sucks. I'd rather not sweat either, but I do enjoy sunny days and feeling the sunshine.
it’s okay. i like the holiday part of it, as well as the lower temperatures (cold > hot), but i don’t really care for snow, ice, slush, etc, and only leave my house when there’s none/not much of that on the ground.
I absolutely love it despite the road conditions becoming very poor when the snow comes. Snowy days are pretty watching the snow fall to the ground. And when the sun is shining with clear skies plus some snow on the ground, it makes a beautiful scenery. Though there are fewer snowy days as years go on from where I live, so I try to make the most of it when it does come around. I also notice that wintery sunny days have a slightly orange tint even during the middle of the day. I get cozy feelings every time I'm indoors warming up.
Summer days are nice, but I can't stand sweating my back off as soon as I leave the house.
I'm not a big fan of winter, mostly due to how cold it can get where I live during the winter season. Though I do think that when it snows a lot an makes the tree branches bend it looks pretty. Or how the snow sparkles on the snow can be nice.
I really despise winter, it tends to be the worst time of the year for me no matter how much I try to prepare for it. I tend to break out with a bad case of eczema on the back of my hands and my arm, iced roads are so annoying to navigate through, and the cold temperature makes it so hard to get up in the morning. Only thing keeping me going right now is the thought of moving to a state that doesn't have such hellish winters soon.
I love winter and I love snow. If I could, I'd dream to live in a place that gets really great winters.
Unfortunately, I've moved somewhere a bit warmer than my previous state so the winters are even less cold and less snow chances. I'll most likely remain here for a good while since it's the place my baby will have family connections - but I guess I can always look forward to the idea of a cold place in the future when they head off to college lol.