How do you get the peach or apples and stuff?

Or Else Try Sending Fruit To A Neighbour And You Should Reiceive A Letter From That Same Neighbour With A Fruit You D`ont have!!
Umm you can get fruit if you send gifts to your neighbors. =3 But its a slim chance.
Akito989 said:
@KingKombat: Wii have its own internet or something like that, but onese the WII connect, the HQ will send a virus to my Pirated Wii....the internet i'm using right now won't effect the Wii.

@crakgenius: Okee thanks!!! I keep sending them coconuts but they didn't it because I wrote, "Ohayo(Good Morning)"? >.<
Not sure what you have to write. Like I said, the only phrase I know that works is "How are you?" ... and don't send them coconuts, send them your other fruit.