How do you guys determine your dreamies?


Spooky Bunny
May 28, 2021
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
My favorite villagers are constantly changing, so how do you guys stay consistent on which villagers are your favorites?
Not playing much helps - though I never planned on stopping playing or taking breaks honestly 😅. I haven’t seen a lot of topics that I felt like I contribute to lately, so not browsing much also helps since screenshots and discussions has helped me become interested in characters K previously disliked or had no interest in. For example: I used to not like Rodney but he grew on me from seeing screenshots that @Chungus & @Le Ham posted. Halloweaster: time in the woods with Rodney as one of the residents helped. I did a little studio project to make a joke on something that happened and I dressed up Rodney in the instant muscles suit we gave him and pink funny glasses and he just was so adorable 🥺. Oops sorry, sidetracked lol.

I already have most of my dream villagers which helps since I unfortunately used my amiibo cards way too early in the game. I wish I had not so I could have met more. But I am considering letting some of my permanents move and use their amiibo again. I had two slots to cycle but one I have is Judy who I ended up liking and she has no amiibo card. I still have three villages who i definitely want as permanent; knew this before getting the game. There are a few that I wasn’t considering to be permanents but I may want to depending on if I am willing to change out some of my current permanents.
i didnt hunt for dreamies this time like i did in new leaf. i got all of my villagers as starters, from mystery islands, or the campsite with the exception of nan bc she and chevre needed to be united once i found chevre on a mystery island and tasha bc i saw her for sale in the new neighbor network. i just fell in love with them and dont want to get rid of them, but its kind of a shame bc i enjoyed mystery island hopping for villagers
Like you, when I first started exploring the community I did feel like I needed to hurry and figure out my 10 favorites. But as I played I found that I didn’t really know my favorites until I had them on my island in game. I also have way way more than 10 villagers I love. So I think the idea of ‘dreamies’ is nice, but you shouldn’t let it make you feel like there is one right way to enjoy the game!

I think for some people their dreamiest will be whoever they are hunting for at the moment, for some people it is the villagers who will match their island theme or story. For some they do have 10 specific, permanent favorites.

personally, I feel my current villagers on my main island are ones I like so much that I could be happy with them forever. But I also think there are probably more favorites out there to discover. I think I might eventually have an idea of who my 10 most favorites are…but my favorites have definitely changed a lot! Basically Tabby, Bangle, and hamsters generally have been the constants, but the favorites list I have now is otherwise very different than this time last year.

So I would say, don’t box yourself in! Enjoy meeting new villagers and your ‘dreamies’ will come to you, or keep changing, and either way is valid!
Mine are also constantly changing. Especially on my second island. I have always wanted to have an all penguin island. So my main island was going to be a penguin island but that changed when I had Dobie and Fang and couldn’t let them go. My main island is mostly set just not sure between Whitney and Skye. My second island I’m not really sure since there are so many villagers I like.
My dreamies are based on whichever villager I vibe with most. Or if I think they're cute.
My favorites are constantly changing too, although I have my top 5.

It's a little hard to explain, but the villager and I needs to click. It just comes. You just feel it.

Before, I just based it on looks. But it doesn't usually work out, and the villagers I thought I'd like usually end up leaving my island quickly. That's why I keep cycling villagers and hope that the next one and I form that indescribable affinity.
Mine were determined based on color and species. My villagers are:


They all have an orange and brown color scheme, and they are all dogs or wolves. I have mostly dogs, so the two wolves can be the leaders of the pack. I love dogs, so this was a great set of dream villagers to have. Three of these are Amiibos, so if I find a popular villager in the campsite, I’ll rotate them out to give the popular one away for free, and just bring the dreamie back.
My favorite villagers stay the same for the most part. Almost all my favorites I’ve loved since past games. In acnh all of my villagers have stayed the same except two of them. I made sure to buy all of my favorite’s amiibo cards before the game even released.
I choose my villagers based on aesthetics, so it's a combination of their appearance, house exterior, and house interior. I tend to go for pastel villagers with cute houses. I also try to keep a variety of species and personalities, but I also gravitate more towards normal and deer villagers. Right now I have Dotty, Melba, Lily, Diana, Maple, Deirdre, Lolly, Sherb, Etoile, and Fang. I plan on trading Fang out for Marshall.
I went through the entire list of available villagers and put them on a list. I didn't take any villager except those on my list, and I made sure to have one of each personality, then the extra two I didn't care which they were as long as they were on the list.
If I couldn't figure out furniture for them, their houses interior or exterior bothered me, if they got into fights with another villager I felt I liked more, etc., then I kicked them out and took them off my list and tried a new one.

Due to the personalities in this game being 8 types with 2 subtypes each, you can determine dreamies without having them by checking out what is important to you.
If the houses are important, look them up.
If they aren't, and only dialogue is, check their personality, subtype, and their hobby ( what you will often see them doing; eg playing, exercising, looking at flowers/bugs, etc ).
If none of that matters to you and it's solely about their aesthetic appearances, well. Then pick your favorites.

It's also totally okay to realize something you thought you'd like is actually not that great.
It's okay for your preferences and tastes to change. It's totally normal.

Good luck!
It's a mixture of how well their design suits their personality and how much I like how they mesh together. Sometimes if one does something nice to me like giving me medicine I get really attached and refuse to let them leave though.
A lot of my dreamies have been through since the beginning of AC. Other than pure nostalgia, it balances between favorite species, aesthetics and coloring. To be fair I don't have just 10 dreamies, it's more like 20 lol
I just go by looks, and default clothes. If a villager i like has a bad default outfit, then I don't invite them
My villagers on my island are always getting changed around. I hardly ever stick to the same 10 villagers for very long.
I usually base mine off of whatever theme I'm doing for my island. That makes it easier to pick because it will narrow down the list quite a lot. At the moment I'm doing a tropical theme, so I have chosen 10 villagers that I feel fit that theme.

The only 3 that are always an exception to the list no matter what are- Alfonso, Wolfgang and Skye. Because they are my babies and I refuse to let them go.
My current list for my tropical theme (minus the 3 mentioned above):


The only villagers i'm missing from the list right now are Henry and Pekoe.
If I'm not going based off a theme (usually out of laziness), I just go for my absolute favourites. Which I have about 30 of so that can be difficult 😂
My list is constantly changing but I think I have a good idea on the type of designs I like :] I always try to have a theme with my villagers - right now my island has a lot of pastel colours and pink, so I have lots of cute, bright villagers!
My current dreamies are Bob, Chai, Chrissy, Etoile, Lolly, Zucker, Marina, Merengue, Diana and Marty.
I think a lot of the fun in Animal Crossing is being able to constantly change your villagers and meet new ones, so it's totally fine if you don't know who your dreamies are! That's the beauty of the game <3
I have one all-time favorite that will never change (Poncho) but the rest came over time. Actually, I had to get to know Poncho first too but he was an original on my GameCube Animal Crossing so I got to know him as my favorite a long, long time ago. I think all of my dreamies only become dreamies after I get to know them.

Cousteau became my other favorite in New Horizons. I didn’t like him at first because I couldn’t tell where his eyes were haha. He really grew on me over time.

Purrl was another favorite from the GameCube Animal Crossing.

Bea I like because she randomly showed up after my brother and my sister in law got a dog and name her Bee! It was such a cute coincidence. They live far away and I was sad I couldn’t meet their dog Bee right away, and then a (same color too!) dog named Bea moves into my Animal Crossing town!

I do have two I haven’t met though, Eugene and Wart Jr. because they seem unique and quirky, and they both have some additional meaning to me. I hope I can meet one or both of them soon!

I’m glad I just have 6 dreamies because it’s fun to have changing neighbors too. It’ll be hard to let Zucker go but I will after Zell, Lolly, Raymond, Colton and Anicotti move out. Raymond showed up when I was island hopping for Eugene and I decided to give him a chance. I do like cats. Lolly is also relatively new right now from island hopping.
tbh their exteriors can make or break it for me lmao but in every other game, it's just a matter of first impression for me.
i don't have set dreamies in NH since like you my favourite villagers are always changing, plus I want to interact with as many different islanders as i can. however i did have a set dreamie list back in NL and the way i would decide it was largely based off of personalities - i like to have a balance of villagers so i'd always have a favourite from each personality type (e.g. it was usually rodney as smug, apple as peppy, ozzie as lazy etc) and then a dupe male and female personality of whoever i really liked design-wise