How do you handle DIYs if you don't have a permanent station set up?

I have a bench on the far side of my island. It's surrounded by trees, so it sort of blends. I have a mini in storage that I use when crafting inside. Sometimes I'll duck into RS, which is next to Nook's Cranny. Between them, I'm pretty well covered.
I only own 2 diy benches. One stays inside the house, the other one has essentially become a staple in my character’s bag. However, I do like the idea of placing several diy stations throughout my island that several people here are doing.

I usually leave the material at home. The only material that I carry with me is iron because I buy the flimsy tools from Timmy and Tommy.
I carry a Cute DIY workbench with me. It comes in handy so I don't have to run to a certain spot to craft. I also buy the colorful tools from Nooks and customize those on daily basis with a stack of customization kits I carry too. I love the cute tools from Nooks, but hated buying them a couple times a day. The fishing rod with the rubber ducky bobber is the cutest thing.
As for materials I have a supply in my house but I don't craft tools anymore. I mostly craft decorations and those I either gather that resource or pull a stack from storage.
I generally keep sticks, the three wood types, stone, clay, and iron in my pockets at all times, so it's just a matter of running to the closest work bench when I need to craft. When I need more specialized materials like gold or star fragments, then I run back home for storage.
I have 3 workbenches: inside my house, then outside my house since it's located near Nook's, and one by the campsite.

These are the efficient placement of DIY tables for my island at least. I also don't break my tools often because I always customize it after several uses.

I only craft when decorating or when there's a camper. Materials are stored on my house so I don't really need to go anywhere else.
I have the small DIY workbenches. One by Nook's and one by my campsite. I just always thought that those made the most sense to be honest. My house is by the campsite too, so there's no reason for me to put one in my house.
I keep one in my house and one outside. The one outside I use as a portable one when I am working on an area. I dont mind going back and forth really. It gives me something to do and it makes me feel as if I accomplished something. For bigger projects I just carry what I need to the area I am worming and lay it out
I carry a DIY workbench in my pockets so that I can craft from anywhere. It's generally a good decision. I carry hardwood to craft shovels and slingshots quickly so that I don't lose track of present balloons or have to go far to get a new shovel. Sometimes, I carry a trash can too, so I can dig up flowers or pull weeds and just toss them.
I usually carry around a mini diy bench in my inventory along with some basic materials if I know I'm going to be crafting that day
Honestly if you want to store your diys you should make a 2nd character and store all of the diys inside that home to use it once the home is fully upgraded. I know there is no other way to store diys but its the best way to do it.
My beach used to be covered in tools and materials, and of course, a workbench. It was a mess.

Now I have a work bench next to my house. It matches my decor. Another one in my Santa's workshop and one in my farm next to the barn. They look like part of the decor and I never have to far too go when I build something.

As for the material and tools, I just put them in my closet. I got used to running to my house to get the supplies I need.
for a while, this wasn’t something that i ever really had to worry about as i had taken to just buying my tools from nook’s. however, now that i’m aiming to complete the “diy tools” nook mile achievement + have been crafting more stuff in general, i always carry a diy bench and a few stacks of materials in my pockets; it doesn’t take up much room and it’s helped me not have to continuously run to my house whenever something breaks, which is nice :).
I have a tiny station next to my house but often i still need other resources so i will have to run inside. still often i put iron nuggets and wood there so i always have those to use.